Welcome to Preschool!!

A Peek into our day!

Every week, we will have a letter, number, color and shape of the week.  We will focus on these during our morning meeting and then infuse these weekly learning focuses in the various Exploration Centers throughout the classroom.

Our two week Science topics propel our learning by using mathematical and literacy skills to complete scientific experiments, make observations, collect data, and learn about the world around us. 

In our second class meeting of the day, we will discuss and learn about new social skills.  Social skills are important to help students interact with others in the classroom and the world around them.  We use a curriculum called “Project Positivity” to build social skills. We reinforce these skills continuously throughout the day.

At HNS Preschool, we encourage and challenge children at their own level and in a way that they enjoy.  How do we accomplish this?  The state mandates that ⅓ of the Public Preschool day be “Free Play”.  We call this Exploration Time.  This is a time of day in which students choose where and how to play/explore.

Dramatic Play Center (house, restaurant, grocery store, hospital, etc.)

           Reading Center

           Listening Center (Books on tape)

           Math Center/Literacy Center

           Writing/ Fine Motor Center

           Sensory Table Center

           Science Center

           Blocks/Building Center

           Art Center

           Doll House Center

  Puzzles Center

           Music Center

While at these Exploration Centers, your child will interact with one of the teachers in the room.  These interactions will enrich your child’s experience at play time.  Of course math, literacy, fine motor, gross motor, and social skills will be reinforced or taught during these learning interactions, but more than that, they will be challenged to think deeper about what they are exploring at the time.

If you would like to know more, please contact me!  You can also check out this website!

Mrs. Katrina Kathol

Learning Through Baking and Food

Learning Through Nature

Learning Through Science Experiments

Learning Through Play