HNMCS Parent Association

2023 - 2024

The mandate of the Parent Association is to support the school’s vision, mission and values as well as initiatives the Head of School identifies that will help to advance the school for all members of the student body.  We ask that the PA focus on community and fundraising. Every parent with a daughter at HNMCS is automatically a member, and we welcome parents to become active members who volunteer their time to help to support our school.

Thank you to our 2022-2023 co-chairs, Lara Attardo & Christiane Rizzuto, for their time and dedication to the Parent Association.  They worked tirelessly to try and rebuild a connected community post-COVID, and helped raised over $56,000 for the school. 

Their term has come to an end and we are currently looking for new volunteers who would like to join our Parent Association for the following positions:

Parent Association Co-Chairs: Middle School & Senior School Co-Chair

Fundraising Committee Co-Chairs (2)

If you are interested in volunteering for one of these roles or know someone who you think would be great, please complete this form. If you would like to learn more information about the Parent Association and how you can help, please contact our Advancement Manager Ms. Maria Cinat

Next Meeting

The 1st meeting of Parent Association Meeting will be in-person at HNMCS on Thursday, October 12th from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Come and learn more about the Committee, fundraising initiatives we have planned and more importantly, meet other parents!