Our Team

Our Coaching and Curriculum Team...

MaryAnn is a literacy coach here in the Upper Primary at HKIS. Through the study of current literacy practices, her focus is on building voice, choice, and inquiry within the workshop. She loves being able to collaborate with teachers and learn from the many opportunities she has to be in classrooms across the school.

MaryAnn has a reading addiction to any genre that brings the readers to places outside of this world (e.g. fantasy, science fiction, dystopian etc.). In her spare time, she dabbles with writing. She has even started a writing group to bring other writers together to read each other’s work and get feedback. She brings her passion for reading and writing into the work she does with teachers and students.

Prior to Hong Kong, MaryAnn started her teaching career in Arizona, which she calls home. She took her teaching career internationally and moved to Spain. While teaching there for she joined a 2 year literacy coaching program. This allowed her to work with educators and schools all over Europe to see innovative coaching practices in action.

She is excited to be a part of a coaching team to support ongoing professional learning here at HKIS!

Mary Ellen is a Math Instructional Coach in the Upper Primary, specializing in differentiation practices. Her work is focused on developing teaching and learning environments for students that promote flexible thinking, mathematical reasoning and discourse, and encourage students to own their own learning.

With a Master's in Gifted Education, a certificate in International School Leadership, and over 30 years of experience, Mary Ellen has taught grades K-6, worked as a Gifted Education specialist in both Canada & the USA, and now is at home in Hong Kong working at HKIS for 15 years. Since living in Hong Kong, she has provided teacher professional development and consulting services in mathematics, differentiation, and gifted education throughout Asia.

With two grown sons living in Canada, Mary Ellen now spends most weekends with friends, hiking, practicing yoga, reading, and catching up on Canadian news.

Mary Ellen is excited to be a part of the coaching team at Upper Primary, working with teachers to maximize student engagement and learning.

Amy is an Educational Technology Coach in the Upper Primary at HKIS. She is passionate about nurturing and promoting Digital Citizenship, Media Literacy and creative applications for technology in the classroom across subjects.

With a Masters in Educational Leadership, a certificate in Digital Storytelling, Amy has served in dynamic international schools in Cairo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Istanbul and now Hong Kong in a variety of roles at all age levels and subjects, including teaching art, MYP design technology, photography courses, and technology integration. Amy is passionate about empowering teachers to leverage technology to enhance teaching and learning. She loves collaborating with colleagues to explore new and innovative ways to incorporate technology in the classroom to give students voice and choice throughout their learning journeys.

Passionate about her faith, family, good food and antique furniture, Amy enjoys traveling and exploring new places with her family. Living in Hong Kong, they spend a lot of time outdoors at the beaches or hiking through nature.

Amy is excited to serve on the coaching team to support and empower adult and student learners at HKIS.