Local Officials


Staten Island Government Officials

Prior to consolidation with New York City in 1898 Staten Island officials represented different towns on the Island: Northfield, Southfield, Westfield, Castleton, Middletown and smaller incorporated villages such as Port Richmond, New Brighton and Edgewater. Town and village divisions varied over the years.

After consolidation with the other NYC boroughs Staten Island became the Borough of Richmond. In 1975 the name was changed to the Borough of Staten Island (including the smaller, unpopulated, surrounding islands.)

Richmond County represents all of Staten Island (including the smaller islands.)

See J. J. Clute's list of Staten Island officials from the 1600s to the 1800s from the Annals of Staten Island here. Most of the older listings presented here are drawn from Clute's list. Modern listings are from Wikipedia.

Members of the Provincial Congress.

Adrian Bancker, 2d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

Richard Conner, 1st and 3d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

Aaron Cortelyou, 1st and 3d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

John Journeay, 1st and 3d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

Rich'rd Lawrence, 1st and 2d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

Paul Micheau, 1st and 3d Prov. Cong., 1775 — '6.

United States Congressional Representatives for Staten Island

Daniel D. Tompkins, 9th Congress, 1805 — '6.

Henry Crocheron, 14th 1815—'17.

James Guyon, Jr., 16th 1819—-'21.

Jacob Crocheron, 21st 1829—'31.

Samuel Barton, 21th 1833—'37.

Joseph Egbert, 27th 1841—'43.

Henry I. Seaman, 29th 1843—'47.

Obadiah Bowne, 32d 1851—'53.

Henry G. Stebbins , 38th Resigned.

Dwight Townsend, 38th 1863—'65.

Henry B. Metcalfe, 44th 1875—'77.

(More Representative listings coming Soon)

Ellsworth B. Buck June 6, 1944 – January 3, 1945

James J. Murphy January 3, 1949 – January 3, 1953

John H. Ray January 3, 1953 – January 3, 1963

John M. Murphy January 3, 1963 – January 3, 1973

Guy V. Molinari January 3, 1981 – January 3, 1983

Susan Molinari March 20, 1990 – January 3, 1993

Vito Fossella November 4, 1997 – January 3, 2009

Michael McMahon January 3, 2009 – January 3, 2011

Michael Grimm January 3, 2011 – January 3, 2013

Daniel M. Donovan, Jr. May 5, 2015 –

Max Rose 2019 -

State Senators from Richmond County.

Paul Micheau 1789— '90— '91— '92.

Jacob Tysen 1828.

Harman B. Cropsey 1832— '33— '34— '35.

Minthorne Tompkins 1840 — '41.

James E. Cooley 1852— '53.

Robert Christie, Jr 1864— '65.

Nicholas La Bau 1866— '67.

Samuel H. Frost 1870—71.

Judges of the County Courts.

1691 Ellis Duxbury.

1710 Daniel Lake.

1711 Joseph Billop.

1712 Thomas Farinar.

1739 Richard Merrill.

1739 John Le Conte.

1756 William Walton. (He was also a member of the Council from 1758 to 1768, when lie died.)

1761 Joseph Bedell.

1775 Benjamin Seaman.

1786 Paul Micheau.

1797 Gozen Ryerss.

1802 John J. Murray.

1803 John Garretson.

1823 Jacob Tysen.

1840 Henry B. Metcalfe.

1841 William Emerson.

1844 Albert Ward.

1847 Henry B. Metcalfe.

1876 Tompkins Westervelt.

Presidential Electors from Richmond County.

1808 John Garretson.

1812 Joseph Perine.

1836 Jacob Crocheron.

1840 John T. Harrison.

1844 John C. Thompson.

1848 James M. Cross.

1856 Minthorne Tompkins.

1864 Obadiah Bowne.

Members of the Colonial Assembly from Richmond County.

John Dally 1691.

Lambert Dorland 1691.

Ellis Duxbury 1691— '95— "98.

Thomas Morgan 1692— '98, 1702.

J. T. Van Pelt 1692— '94— '98.

John Shadwell 1693— '95.

Thomas Stilwell 1693— '98.

John Tunison 1694— '95— '98.

John Woglom 1698— '99.

Garret Veghte 1699, 1702.

John Stilwell 1702— '25.

Abraham Lakerman 1702 — '26.

Richard Merrill 1725— '37.

John Le Count 1726— '56.

Adam Mott 1737— '39.

Richard Stilwell 1739— '48.

Paul Michean 1748— '51. App. N. (36.)

Wm. T. Walton 1751—61.

Benjamin Seaman 1756 — '75.

Henry Holland 1761— '69.

Christopher Billop 1769—75.

Members of Assembly for Richmond County.

1st Session.— Abraham Jones.... 1777— '78. App. N. (37.)

1st Joshua Mersereau. . 1777— '78.

2d No name recorded... 1778 — '79.

3d Joshua Mersereau... 17 79 — '80.

4th Joshua Mersereau... 1780— '81.

5th Joshua Mersereau ... 1781— '82.

6th Joshua Mersereau... 1782— '83.

7th Adrian Bancker. . .1784.

7th Johannes Van Wagenen... 1784.

8th Joshua Mersereau... 1784 — '85.

8th Cornelius Corsen ... 1784 — '85.

9th Joshua Mersereau... 1786.

9th John Dongan ... 1786.

10th John C. Dongan... 1787

10th Thomas Frost ... 1787

11th John C. Dongan...1788.

11th Peter Winant ...1788.

12th Abraham Bancker.. .1788— '89.

12th John C. Dongan

13th Abraham Bancker... 1789— '90.

13th Peter Winant ... 1789— '90.

14th Gozen Ryerss... 1791.

14th Peter Winant ... 1791.

15th Gozen Ryerss ...1792.

16th Gozen Ryerss ...1793.

17th Gozen Ryerss ...1794.

18th Lewis Ryerss ...1795.

19th Lewis Ryerss... 1796.

20th Lewis Ryerss... 1797.

21st Paul J. Micheau . . . 1798.

22d Paul J. Micheau. ..1799.

23d John P. Ryerss. . . 1800.

24th Paul J. Micheau ...1800—01.

25th Paul J. Micheau ...1802.

26th Paul J. Micheau . . . 1803.

27th John Housman ...1804.

28th John Dunn ...1804— '05.

29th John Dunn... 1806.

30th David Mersereau. ..1807.

31st David Mersereau. ..1808.

32d David Mersereau. . .1808—09.

33d Richard Conner . . . .1810.

34th James Guyon... 1811.

35th James Guyon... 1812.

36th James Guyon, Junr . . 1812—13.

37th James Guyon, Junr ...1814.

38th Jesse Oakley ...1814—15.

39th Richard Corsen , . . 1816

40th Richard C. Corsen . .1816—17. .

41st Richard C. Corsen ... 1818

42d Harmanus Guyon. . . 1819.

43d Harmanus Guyon. . . 1820.

44th Samuel Barton .... 1820—21.

45th Samuel Barton .... 1822.

46th Isaac R. Housman ... 1823.

47th Henry Perine ...1824.

48th Harmanus Garrison...1825.

49th No Election... 1826.

50th Abraham Cole. ... 1827.

51st Abraham Cole ....1828

52d John Vanderbilt. . .1829.

53d John T. Harrison . . 1830.

54th John T. Harrison . ..1831.

55th Jacob Mersereau. . . 1832.

56th Jacob Mersereau. .1833.

57th Paul Mersereau . . .1834.

58th Lawrence Hillyer . .1835.

59th John Garrison, Jun.... 1836.

60th Lawrence Hillyer... 1837.

61st Israel Oakley ...1838.

62d Israel Oakley ... 1839.

63d Bornt P. Winant. . .1840.

64th Israel Oakley... 1841.

65th Henry Cole... 1842.

66th Henry Cole... 1843.

67th William Nickles . . ..1844.

68th Peter Mersereau . . . 1845.

69th George H. Cole . . . 1846.

70th George H. Cole . . . 1847.

71st Ephraim J. Totten. .. 1848.

72d Gabriel P. Disosway... 1849.

73d Benjamin P. Prall...1850.

74th William H. Anthon ... 1851.

75th L'wr'nce H.Cortelyou ..l852.

76th Henry De Hart ... 1853.

77th Nicholas Crocheron ... 1854.

78th John F. Raymond ... 1855.

79th William J. Shea .... 1856.

80th Joshua Mersereau...1857.

81st Eben W. Hubbard. . 1858.

82d Robert Christie, Jun...1859.

83d Theo. C. Vermilye . . 1860.

84th N. Dane Ellingwood ...1861.

85th Smith Ely ...1862.

86th Theodore Frean... 1863.

87th William H. Rutan... 1864.

88th James Ridgway . . 1865.

89th Thomas Child... 1866.

90th Nathaniel J. Wyeth....1867.

91st John Decker. ..1868.

92d John Decker ...1869.

93d John Decker ...1870.

94th John Decker* 1871. * The Certificate was given to John Decker, but the seat was subsequently awarded to Willet N. Hawkins.

95th David W. Judd. . . .1872.

96th John B. Hillyer ... 1873.

97th Stephen D. Stephens, Jr... 1874.

98th Stephen D. Stephens, Jr. ..1875.

99th Kneeland Townsend... l876.

100th Samuel R. Brick... 1877.

Members of the State Constitutional Conventions from Richmond County.

1788, Abraham Bancker, Gozen Ryerss.

1801, Joseph Periue.

1821, Daniel D. Tompkins.

1845, John T. Harrison.

1868, George Wm. Curtis.

School Superintendents, &c. , of Richmond County.

Harman B. Cropsey, County Superintendent, appointed 1843.

David A. Edgar, County Commissioner, elected 1843.

Henry M. Boehm, County Commissioner, elected 1843.

Isaac Lea, County Commissioner, elected 1843.

James Brownlee, County Commissioner, elected 1843.

Clerks of Richmond County.

1682 Francis Williamson,

1684 Samuel Winder,

1689 Jacob Corbet,

1691 Thomas Carhart,

1698 Thomas Coen,

1706 William Tillyer,

1708 Alexander Stuart,

1728 Adam Mott,

1738 Daniel Stilwell,

1739 Daniel Corsen,

1761 Paul Micheau,

1781 Abraham Bancker,

1784 John Mersereau,

1798 Joseph Perine — App. N Surrogate (38)

1810 John V. D. Jacobsen,

1811 Joseph Perine,

1815 Jonathan Lewis,

1828 Walter Betts,

1843 Joshua Mersereau, Jr.,

1852 Israel C. Denyse,

1855 James Cubberly,

1858 Israel C. Denyse,

1861 Abraham V. Conner,

1864 Michael P. O'Brien— Appl (39.)

Joseph Egbert,

1869 John H. Van Clief, Jr.,

1873 David H. Cortelyou,

1876 Abraham V. Conner.

Surrogates of Richmond County.

Under Colonial Government.

1733 Walter Dongan,

1759 Benjamin Seaman.

1813 Cornelius Bedell,

1815 Tunis Egbert,

1820 Richard Conner,

Under Federal Government.

1787 Adrian Bancker,

1792 Abraham Bancker

1809 John Housman

1810 Cornelius Bedell

1811 Jonathan Lewis,

1813 Cornelius Bedell

1815 Tunis Egbert

1820 Richard Conner

1820 John Garrison

1821 Tunis Egbert

1830 Richard Crocheron

1843 Lewis R. Marsh

1847 Henry B. Metcalfe - App. N. (40)

1876 Tompkins Westervelt

Sheriffs of Richmond County.

1683 John Palmer,

1684 Thomas Lovelace,

1685 Thomas Stilwell,

1691 Eli Crossen,

1691 Thomas Stilwell,

1692 John Stilwell,

1698 John De Pue,

1699 Jacob Coulsen,

1700 Christian Corsen,

1701 John De Pue,

1702 Lambert Garrison,

1709 William Tillyer,

1722 Benjamin Bill,

1730 Charles Garrison,

1736 Paul Micheau,

1739 Nicholas Larzalere,

1751 John Hillyer,

1775 Thomas Frost,

1784 Abraham Bancker,

1788 Lewis Ryerss,

1792 Benjamin Parker,

1796 Isaac Cubberly,

1799 John Hillyer,

1802 Jacob Crocheron,

1806 Jonathan Lewis,

1810 Daniel Guyon,

1811 Jacob Crocheron,

1813 Jacob Hillyer,

1815 Henry Perine,

1819 John Hillyer,

1821 Jacob Crocheron,

1825 Walter Betts,

1828 Harmon B. Cropsey,

1831 Lawrence Hillyer,

1834 Israel Oakley,

1837 Andrew B. Decker,

1840 Jacob Simonson,

1843 Israel O. Dissosway,

1846 Jacob G. Guyon,

1849 Israel O. Dissosway,

1852 Abraham Ellis,

1855 Abraham Lockman,

1858 Isaac M. Marsh,

18681 Moses Alston,

1864 Abraham Winant,

1867 Jacob G. Winant,

1870 Moses Alston,

1873 William C. Denyse,

1876 Benjamin Brown.

District Attorneys of Richmond County

In a legislative act of February 12, 1796, New York State was divided into seven districts, each with its own Assistant Attorney General. Richmond County was part of the First District, which also included Kings, Queens, Suffolk, and Westchester counties. At that time, Queens County included much of present-day Nassau County, and Westchester County included present-day Bronx County. The Assistant Attorney General was renamed District Attorney on April 4, 1801, and New York County was added to the First District. Westchester was separated from the First District in 1813, and New York County was separated in 1815. The 13 districts that existed were divided so that each county became its own district by a law passed on April 21, 1818.[1][2][3][4]

Until 1822, the district attorney was appointed by the Council of Appointment, and held the office "during the Council's pleasure", meaning that there was no defined term of office. Under the provisions of the New York State Constitution of 1821, the D.A. was appointed to a three-year term by the County Court, and under the provisions of the Constitution of 1846, the office became elective by popular ballot.

In case of a vacancy, the Governor of New York appoints an interim district attorney who serves until a successor is elected at the next annual election.[5] The term was increased to four years for the Richmond County District Attorney in 1937.[6]


Nathaniel Lawrence February 16, 1796 – July 15, 1797 July 15, 1797 - January 16, 1798

Cadwallader D. Colden January 16, 1798 – August 19, 1801

Richard Riker August 19, 1801 – February 13, 1810

Cadwallader D. Colden February 13, 1810 – February 19, 1811

Richard Riker February 19, 1811 – March 5, 1813

Barent Gardenier March 5, 1813 – April 8, 1815

Thomas S. Lester April 8, 1815 – June 11, 1818

George Metcalfe June 11, 1818

1826 Henry B. Metcalfe,

1833 Thorn S. Kingsland,

1839 George Catlin,

1840 Roderick N. Morrison,

1841 Lot C. Clark,

1849 George Catlin,

1850 George White,

1853 Alfred DeGroot,

1850 Abraham W. Winant,

1865 John H. Hedley,

1872 Sidney F. Rawson,

1875 John Croak.

George Gallagher January 1, 1881 – December 31, 1889

Thomas W. Fitzgerald January 1, 1890 – December 31, 1895

George M. Pinney, Jr. January 1, 1896 – December 31, 1898

Edward Sidney Rawson January 1, 1899 – December 31, 1904

John J. Kenney January 1, 1905 – December 31, 1907

Samuel H. Evins January 1, 1908 – December 31, 1910

Albert C. Fach January 1, 1911 – December 31, 1919

Joseph H. Maloy January 1, 1920 – January 1, 1924

? January 1, 1924 – February 9, 1924 (acting)

Albert C. Fach February 9, 1924 – December 31, 1925 (interim)January 1, 1926 – December 31, 1931

Thomas J. Walsh January 1, 1932 – December 30, 1936

? December 31, 1936 – January 6, 1937 (acting)

Frank H. Innes January 7, 1937 – December 31, 1937 (interim)

January 1, 1938 – December 31, 1941

Farrell M. Kane January 1, 1942 – August 4, 1947

Herman Methfessel August 4, 1947 – August 13, 1947 (acting)

Robert E. Johnson August 13, 1947 – December 31, 1947 (interim)

Herman Methfessel January 1, 1948 – December 31, 1951

Sidney O. Simonson January 1, 1952 – December 31, 1955

John M. Braisted Jr. January 1, 1956 – December 31, 1975

Thomas R. Sullivan January 1, 1976 – November 1982

William L. Murphy November 1982 – March 1983 (acting) March 1983 – December 31, 1983 (interim) January 1, 1984 – December 31, 2003

Daniel M. Donovan, Jr. January 1, 2004 – May 12, 2015

Daniel L. Master, Jr. May 12, 2015 – December 31, 2015 (acting)

Michael E. McMahon January 1, 2016 – current

Staten Island Borough Presidents

(This was made a Borough office in 1898.)

1898 - 1913 George Cromwell

1914 - 1915 Charles J. McCormack

1915 - 1921 Calvin Van Name

1922 Matthew J. Cahill

1922 - 1933 John A. Lynch

1934 - 1945 Joseph A. Palma

1946 - 1953 Cornelius A. Hall

1953 - 1954 Edward G. Baker

1955 - 1965 Albert V. Maniscalco

1966 - 1977 Robert T. Connor

1977 - 1984 Anthony R. Gaeta

1984 - 1989 Ralph J. Lamberti

1990 - 2001 Guy V. Molinari

2002 - 2012 James P. Molinaro

2013 - Present James Oddo

Regents of the University from Richmond County.

Abraham Bancker, John C. Dongan, first board, 1784;

Harmanus Garrison, second board, 1784 ;

since which time the county was not represented in the board until April 12th, 1864, when

George Wm. Curtis

was appointed, and still continues in office (1876).

Town Supervisors

Supervisors of the several Towns in Richmond County since the beginning of the year 1766 —alphabetically arranged.


Barnes, George 1792— '93.

Barrett, Nathan 1837—38.

Burbanck, Abraham 1794 — '98.

Cary, Richard S. 1804.

Christopher, Richard 1846, 1849, 1857,-'8-'9, 1868-'9, 1874-'5-'6.

Clute, John J. 1860.

Conner, Richard 1766 to-'84, 1786 to-'92.

Crabtree, James H. 1865.

Crocheron, Abraham 1832 — '3.

Davis, George B. 1853.

De Groot, Jacob 1839.

Dongan, John C. 1785.

Ely, Smith 1861-'2.

Esterbrook, Joseph 1866.

Gardiner, David L 1864.

Garrison, John 1803.

Garrison, John Jr. 1834 — '5 — '6.

Hazard, Robert M. 1847—8.

Heal, Nathan M. 1867.

Herpeck, Charles A. 1877.

Housman, John 1799 to 1802, 1810.

Housman, Isaac B. 1822 to — '31.

Laforge, Peter D. 1841—2.

Martling, Joseph B. H 1850 to— '52.

Martino, Gabriel 1855.

Mersereau, Joshua 1854.

Minturn, Robert B. 1871.

Pell, D. Archie 1870.

Thompson, John C. 1840.

Tysen, Jacob 1811 to— '21.

Tysen, John Jr. 1805 to— '09.

Vermeule, John D. 1872— '3.

Vreeland, Eder. 1844— '5.

Ward, Albert 1843.


Bedell, Cornelius 1790, 1794.

Burger, James G. 1855.

Child, Thomas 1863.

Corsen, Cornelius 1779 to — '84.

Crocheron, Henry 1800 to-'04, 1808 to— '14.

Crocheron, Nicholas 1805 to-'7, 1825 to— '30, 1846—7.

Crocheron, Richard 1816 to— '23.

Denyse, Israel C. 1866— '7.

Hillyer, John 1767.

Hillyer, John B. 1872.

Hillyer, John Jr. 1772-3.

Hillyer, Lawrence 1851, 1856.

Laforge, Peter C. 1862.

Lake, Daniel 1795 to— '97.

Latourette, Henry 1767.

Latourette, Bichard 1876 — '77.

Martin, Oliver B, 1848.

Mersereau, David 1815.

Mersereau, Jacob 1792— '3, 1799.

Mersereau, John 1788.

Mersereau, Peter 1841 to — '44.

Moore, Richard C. 1854.

Perine, James 1831— '32.

Post, Garret G. 1850, 1857 to— '61.

Prall, William 1824.

Ryerss, Gozen 1785 to — '87.

Simonson, Bornt 1774 to — '78.

Simonson, Garret 1873 to — '76.

Simonson, Jacob 1833 to-'40, 1849.

Tysen, John 1789, 1791, 1798.

Wright, Garret P. 1852.

Van Clief, John H. 1868 to— '71.

Van Name, Charles 1853 v 1864.

Van Name, Michael 1845.


Barnes, George 1789, 1800.

Barton, Edward P. 1869.

Barton, Samuel 1852, 1857.

Brady, Philip 1870.

Britton, Alexander H. 1844.

Clark, Ephraim 1866—67.

Cocroft, James 1865.

Coddington, Samuel 1857, 1841 to —'43.

Cole, George H. 1845.

Corry, William 1876, 1877.

Cortelyou, Peter 1789— '98.

Egbert, Joseph 1855— '56.

Fountain, Anthony 1767, '69, '84.

Garrison, John C. 1849, 1858 to —'60.

Greenfield, George J. 1872 to

Guyon, Harmanus 1816 to — '20 1822 to— '33.

Guyon, James 1782— '3, 1785—6.

Guyon, James 1838 to— '40, 1847— '8, 1850— '51.

Hall, Farnham 1846.

Jacobson, Christian 1772 to — '81.

Jacobson, John V. D. 1802 to — 15.

Johnson, Anthony 1834 to — '36.

Keeley, Dennis 1861 to — '64, 1871.

Ketteltas, J. S. 1868.

Mersereau, Jacob W. 1853 — '4.

Perine, Henry 1821.

Poillon, John 1766, 1768.

Tysen, John 1795 to — '98.

Bancker, Adrian 1772 —73.

Cole, Cornelius 1788, 1794.

Cole, Gilbert A. 1857, 1862.

Cropsey, Jacob B. 1844 — '45.

Depuy, Nicholas 1766 to — '69.

Eddy, Andrew 1846.

Ellis, George W. 1870 —71.

Frost, Samuel H. 1851 to — '56,

Guyon, Jacob M. 1876.

Jackson, Bichard 1828.

Larzelere, Benjamin 1789, 1795 -1801.

Latourette, David 1835— '36.

Mersereau, Daniel 1829— '33.


Micheau, Paul 1790-'93.

Oakley, Israel 1840.

Oakley, Jesse 1850.

Perine, Henry 1774— '83.

Rutan, "William H. 1858— '61.

Seguine, Henry H. 1874, 1877.

Seguine, Joseph 1826, 1837— '39.

Totten, Ephraim J. 1847, 1849.

Totten, Gilbert 1802 — '25, 1827.

Totten, John, 1784, 1809 -'25, 1827.

Winant, Peter 1785— '87.

Winant, Bornt P. 1834,'41-'43,1848.

Wood, Abraham H. 1864 — '65.

Wood, Abraham J. '66 -'69, '72-'73.


Armstrong, John E. 1873.

Bechtel, John 1864.

Bradley, Alvin C. 1872.

Brick, Samuel K. 1868—71.

Davis, George B. 1861.

Frean, Theodore 1866, 1877.

Frost, Henry 1876.

Hornby, Alexander 1862.

Lord, D. Porter 1865, 1867.

White, Frederick 1874.

Wood, Jacob B. 1860

N. B, — There is no record of Supervisors' names earlier than 1766, except in a few instances noticed below. The names of the Supervisors of 1770 and 1771 are not recorded. It is possible that the names of some of the earliest Supervisors are arranged under the wrong town, as in no case are the names of the towns and Supervisors connected.

Supervisors prior to 1766.


William Tiljeu, North.

Anthony Tyson, West.

Abm. Lakeman, South.

1703 .

Richard Merrill, North.

Stoffel Garrison, South.

Anthony Tysen, West.


_______Merrill, North.

Tunis Egbert, West.


Aaron Prall, North.

Tunis Egbert, "West.

Stoffel Van Sant, South.


Tunis Egbert, West.

Aaron Prall, North.


Alex'r Stuart, South.

Jacob Corsen, North.

Tunis Egbert, West.

Village Officials

Port Richmond

"This village was incorporated by act of the Legislature April 24th, 1866...Its first trustees were George W. Jewett, Nicholas Van Pelt, William A. Ross, Garret P. Wright and Henry Miller, all of whom were repeatedly re-elected by the people, and some of whom are still members of the board ; trustee Van Pelt was the first president, and has continued to perform the duties of that office without intermission until...1876.


"This village was originally incorporated in 1866, and by its charter divided into nine wards..."

1st Ward — William C. Denyse.

2d David Burgher.

3d George Bechtel.

4th Theodore Frean.

5th Dr. Thomas C. Moffa

6th James R. Robinson.

7th Alfred Wandell.

8th Dennis Keeley.

9th J. Duignan.

Listings from Leng and Davis's

Staten Island and Its People

(approximately 1898-1920s)

Aldermen, 73d district, including wards 3 and 5, and changed to 67th district in 1913—

Cornelius A. Shea, 1902-05;

Charles P. Cole, 1906-15;

Edward J. Atwell, 1916-24;

John R. Dalton, 1925-.

Aldermen, 72d district, including wards 2 and 4, and changed to 66th district in 1913—

John D. Gillies, 1902-05;

David S. Rendt, 1906-08;

Daniel T. Cornell, 1909-11;

John J. O’Rourke, 1912-22;

David S. Rendt, part of 1922;

Reinhard E. Kaltenmeier, 1922-.

Aldermen, 71st district, including ward 1, and changed to 65th district in 1913—

Joseph H. Maloy, 1902-03;

John J. Collins, 1903-08;

William Fink, 1909-15;

William K. Walsh, 1916-18;

James W. Hennessey, 1919;

Walter T. Warren, 1920-23;

John J. Corcoran, died 1926, 1924-26;

Dennis V. Corcoran, 1926-.

County Judges and Surrogates—

Stephen D. Stephens, 1898 to 1911;

Sidney F. Rawson, part of 1911;

J. Harry Tiernan, 1912-.


Augustus Acker, 1898-1900;

Franklin C. Vitt, 1901-03;

Charles J. McCormack, 1904-06;

Joseph J. Barth, 1907-09;

John J. Collins, 1910-12;

Joseph F. O’Grady,1913-15;

Spire Pitou, Jr., 1916-18;

William K. Walsh, 1919-21;

Harry Rudolph, 1922-24;

Edward J. Atwell, 1925-27;

William S. Hart, 1928-.

County Clerks—

Edward M. Muller, 1898-1901;

C. Livingston Bostwick, 1902-25 (resigned January 14);

James L. Vail, 1925-.

District Attorneys—

Edward Sidney Rawson, 1898-1904;

John J. Kenney, 1905-07;

Samuel H. Evins, 1908-09;

Albert C. Fach, 1910-19;

Joseph Maloy, 1920-23;

Albert C. Fach, 1924-.

Commissioners of Jurors—-

Charles J. Kullmann, 1898-1914 (died April 25) ;

Edward I. Miller, May 22, 1914-.

State Senators—

Howard R. Bayne, 1908-12;

George Cromwell, 1915-18;

John A. Lynch, 1919-20;

C. Ernest Smith, 1921-22;

Mark W. Allen, 1923-24;

Thomas J . Walsh, 1925-28;

Harry J. Palmer, 1929-.


Charles J. Kullmarin, 1898-99;

George Metcalfe, 1900;

Calvin D. Van Name, 1901;

Ferdinand C. Townsend, 1902;

Charles J . McCormack, 1903;

George Bechtel, 1904;

Arnold J. B. Wedemeyer, 1905-06;

William T. Croak, 1907;

William Allaire Shortt, 1908 and 1910-11 ;

Thomas J. Lanahan, 1909;

Ralph R. McKee, 1912-13;

Calvin D. Van Name, 1914;

Stephen D. Stephens, 1915-16;

Henry A. Seesselberg, 1917-19; and, beginning in 1918, a second representative in the Assembly, Thomas F. Curley, 1918-19;

Geo. P. Reynaud, 1920;

Ernest B. Frerichs, 1921; and William L. Vaughan, 1922-, representing the second district;

Thomas F. Cosgrove, 1920-23;

William S. Hart, 1924-27;

Francis A. Hannigan, 1928-, representing the first district.

Representative in Congress—

Anning S. Prall, 1924-.

Commissioners of Public Works—

Louis L. Tribus, 1898-1913;

Lewis Nixon, 1914- April 1, 1915;

Spire Pitou, Jr., April 1-September 15, 1915;

Henry P. Morrison, September 15, 1915-December 17, 1918;

John E. Bowe, February 5, 1919-21;

David S. Rendt, 1922-.

Justices of Municipal Court

John J. Kenney, 1898-1904;

Thomas C. Brown, 1904-;

George W. Stake, 1898-1904;

Arnold J. B. Wedemeyer, 1905-.

City Magistrates—

John Croak, 1898;

Joseph B. Handy, later; Nathaniel Marsh, 1898;

Samuel H. Evins, 1916-18;

Frederick S. Mullen, 1918-20;

William T. Croak, 1921-;

William T. Fetherston, 1921-24;

Henry W. Bridges, 1925-.

Staten Island has been represented on the bench also by Lester W. Clark, Justice of the Supreme Court, to his death on April 19, 1911; W. T. Fetherston, Judge of the Court of Special Sessions, 1924-; Morgan L. Ryan, Judge of the Children’: Court, 1914-23; Joseph Maloy, Judge of the City Court, 1924. As surrogate’s clerk, William Finley will be remembered for a term of service extending through the period of consolidation until his death. During the last ten years the vast increase in public business has necessitated the establishment of many new positions. We give in the following lines those which have been recited in the Official Directory of the City of New York since 1919:


Francis O. Driscoll, 1920-22;

Frank Foggin, 1923-26;

Wm. A. Eagleson, 1927-.

Senior Surgeons, U. S. Public Health Service—

S. B. Young, 1922;

C. H. Lavender,1923-26;

M. J. White, 1927-.

Quarantine Surgeons—

S. R. Grubbs, 1922-25;

E. R. Marshall, 1926;

Carroll Fox,1927-.

Supreme Court Librarian—

Charles B. McNally, 1923-.

United States Commissioner—

Esli L. Sutton, 1927 (resigned).

Senior Special Deputy Clerk, Supreme Court—

John H. Wilkinson, 1922-; previous to 1922 special deputy clerk.

Municipal Court Clerks—-

Thomas E. Cremins and Wm. Wedemeyer, 1921-.

Magistrate’s Court Clerks—

Michael Brennan, 1921- ;

W. C. Casey, 1921-23;

J. Walter Thompson, 1924-25;

Walter Moffat, 1926-.

Under Sheriff—

Peter J. Finn, 1919-.


Thomas Murphy, 1922-

Assistant District Attorneys—

Frank H. Innes, 1919;

A. V. Norton, 1919-22;

Charles B. Dullea, 1920-23;

W. C. Casey, 1925;

John M. Braisted, 1920-25;

James V. DiCrocco,1923-;

Lester L. Callan, 1926-;

John C. Boylan, 1926-;

Franklin C. Vitt, clerk, 1919-;

Miss Elsa Becker, chief stenographer.

Deputy County Clerks—

Bemard B. Lynch, 1919-20;

James P. Kelly, 1921-24;

A. H. Badenhausen, 1925-;

Charles Flanigan, 1925-;

Walter Hurst, chief clerk, 1919-.

Deputy Commissioners, Water, Gas and Electricity-

James L. Vail, 1919-23;

George Bechtel, 1925-.

Borough engineers, this department,

John W. McKay, 1919;

Wm. V. Barnes, 1920-.

Commissioners, Department Taxes and Assessments,

Joseph F. O’Grady, 1919-21;

Anning S. Prall, 1922-23;

Thomas R. McGinley, 1924;

Thomas Kenny, 1926-.


James J. A. Hasson, 1919-21;

Fred W. Pfaff, 1922-23;

George T. Waterson, 1924-.

Medical Superintendent, Sea View Hospital—

Dr. G. Kremer, 1919-.

Medical Superintendent, Farm Colony,

Dr. Peter J. Johnson, 1926-.

Chief Clerk, Police Department—

Grant Crabtree, 1922-; previously first deputy clerk.

Park Commissioners—

Thomas R. McGinley, 1921-23;

John J. O’Rourke, 1924-.

Medical Examiner—

George Mord, 1919-.

Superintendents Street Cleaning—

John J. Collins, 1919;

John E. Mirmehan, 1920-25;

W. K. Walsh, 1926-.

Superintendent of Sewers—

Charles P. Cole, 1919-.

Executive Clerk—

George F. Callahan, 1926-.

Secretaries of the Borough—

George T. Egbert, 1919-25;

J . Walter Thompson, 1926.

Secretaries to the President of the Borough-—-

Hugh J. Jamieson, 1920-21 ;

Howard C. Beyer, 1923-.

During the Cromwell administration, Maybury Fleming.

Assistants to the President—

Joseph P. McKay, 1923;

W. K. Walsh, 1924-25;

Harry E. Gibbs, 1926-.

Confidential Inspectors-

David S. Rendt, 1919;

Wm. Fink, 19m-.

Assistant Commissioner of Public Works—

Ralph R. McKee, 19m-22;

John J.O’Rourke, 1923;

Robert Bailey, 1924-.

Superintendent of Elections,

Alexander M. Ross, 1919-;


Arthur M. Donaldson, 1919-.

Members of Board of Education—

Anning S. Prall, 1919-21;

John E. Rowe, 1922-23;

Ralph R. McKee, 1924-.

Deputy City Clerks—

John R. Dalton, 1919-23;

Herman C. Oechsli, 1924-.

Chief Clerk, Bureau of Accounts—

William B. Kenney, 1919-.

Superintendents Public Buildings—-

John Timlin, Jr., 1919-22;

George W. MoClaughry, 1923-25;

Cornelius A. Hall, 1&6-.

Superintendent, Building Department—

Wm. J . McDermott ;

chief clerk, James Nolan,both 1919-.

Superintendents, Highways-

Robert Bailey, 1919-23;

Joseph P. McKay, 1924-25;

Jolm E. Minnehan, 1926-.

District Superintendent of Schools—

Thomas O. Baker, 1919-24;

Cornelius D. Fleming, 1925;

Frank Hankinson, 1926-;

chief clerk, Miss Margaret Dermody, 1919-.

Superintendent of School Construction—

Samuel R. Brick, 1919-.

Superintendent, Health Department—

Dr. Bruno Horowicz, 1919-.

The list last given does not cover the period previous to 1919. Many of the officials named have rendered faithful service ever since consolidation. Such continuity of service has been one of the factors in the good govemment which, on the whole, the borough has enjoyed.