Miki Tomita

CEO of Education Incubator, and former president of the Phi Kappa Delta on O‘ahu

Peace is about environmental justice. Using the pillars of aloha, taught by Auntie Pilahi Pāki, as a foundation, students how to grow their own garden, compost, or write poems and letters of gratitude. Education Incubator facilitates online video workshops with children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old. Each day begins and ends with meditation. Daily activities are geared to help children to build their inner reservoir of peace. Students create things with materials found in or around their homes. Students learn to make a "peace corner" to where they can sit and decompress. Children learn about gratitude and kindness by appreciating their parents and kūpuna. Every day is a dedication to peace - conducting rituals (ceremonies) and inviting students to join in the culture of peace. Dedications can follow cultural calendars, such as the moon cycle and during global celebrations, such as International Peace Day.