Assistive Technology

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 105-17) offers clear definitions of Assistive Technology Devices and Services.

What is an Assistive Technology Device?

Assistive technology devices are defined in the IDEA as:

...any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities. (Section 300.5)

The definition of an assistive technology device as provided in the IDEA is very broad and gives ARD committees the flexibility that they need to make decisions about appropriate assistive technology devices for individual students.  Although the IDEA uses the term “device,” ARD committees should remember that assistive technology also includes assistive technology hardware and software.  Assistive technology may also include technology solutions that are generally considered instructional technology tools, if they have been identified as educationally necessary and documented in the student’s IEP.  A classroom computer with a word processing program, for example, can be considered assistive technology for a student who demonstrates difficulty in writing and spelling, if the ARD committee has determined that it is educationally necessary.  

As used on this site, the term assistive technology device includes devices, hardware, and software that are required by a student with a disability, specifically when its use supports an individual student sufficiently to maintain the student’s educational placement and its absence requires the student’s removal to a more restrictive environment. 

Assistive technology devices can be purchased from a local store or a vendor that specializes in the production and sale of assistive technology devices.  Assistive technology devices often need to be modified or customized to meet the individual needs of a student with disability.  For example, a computer keyboard may need to be adapted through the addition of tactile locator dots for a student with a visual impairment.  When determining assistive technology needs, ARD committees should consider commercially available solutions that may be used “as is” or that can be modified to meet the student’s needs.  However, in some situations it may be necessary to construct a device to meet the student’s unique needs.

A range of assistive technology devices are available.  Some are relatively “low tech” and inexpensive.  For example, a pencil grip is an assistive technology device that may be used by a student with a physical disability to improve handwritten communication through increasing their grasp of and control over their pencil.  Additionally, a student who has difficulty holding a standard cup may use an adapted cup with enlarged handles.  Other AT devices are more “high tech” and are often more expensive.  An example of a “high tech” tool is a speech-generating alternative augmentative communication (AAC) device.

A particular student with a disability may require assistive technology solutions from one or more of the below-listed categories.  For example, a student with a severe intellectual disability may use an augmentative communication device to supplement his or her communication skills, an adaptive switch toy to participate in leisure activities, and an adapted keyboard for accessing the software applications on the classroom computer.

Assistive technology devices are available in a variety of categories to address the functional needs of students with disabilities.  These categories include but are not limited to:

Writing/Spelling/Reading: Electronic and non-electronic aids such as calculators, spell checkers, portable word processors, and computer-based software solutions that are used by a student who has difficulty achieving in his or her educational curriculum.

Math: High and low tech devices that allow students with disabilities to participate in their math classes, such as modified paper (bold line, enlarged, raised line, graph paper, etc.), talking calculator with speech output, calculator with large print display, calculator with large keypad, calculator with embossed output (e.g. Braille N Speak) , computer based on-screen calculator, electronic math worksheet software with adaptive input and output as needed (e.g. MathPad, Access to Math, and Study Works), adapted measuring devices (e.g. devices with speech output, large print display, or tactile output). 

Study Organizational Skills: High and low tech devices such as print or picture schedule, organizational aids (e.g. Color coding, appointment book, etc.) , tape recorder, electronic organizer/personal digital assistant (e.g. Step Pad, PalmPilot), computer based electronic organizer with adapted input and output provided as needed, and speech prompting device. 

Listening: Electronic aids and software that assist students with poor listening skills to access the curriculum, such as personal amplification system, classroom sound field system, tape recorder, voice to text software application for converting teacher lecture to text, closed captioning on non-caption ready instructional materials, and real time captioning of class lecture and discussion. 

Oral Communication: Electronic and non-electronic devices and software solutions that provide a means for expressive communication for students with limited speech.

Aids to Daily Living: Self-help aids for use in activities such as eating, bathing, cooking, dressing, toileting, and home maintenance.

Recreation and Leisure: Electronic and non-electronic aids such as adapted books, switch adapted toys, and leisure computer-based software applications that are used by a student with a disability to increase his participation and independence in recreation and leisure activities.

Pre-Vocational and Vocational: Electronic and non-electronic aids such as picture based task analysis sheet, adapted knobs, and adapted timers and watches that are use to assist a student in completing pre-vocation and vocational tasks.

Seating, Positioning, and Mobility: Electronic and non-electronic aids such as wheelchairs (manual and electronic), walkers, scooters that are used to increase personal mobility. Adaptive seating systems and positioning devices that provide students with optimal positions to enhance participation and access to the curriculum. 

(Adapted from the Texas Assistive Technology Network, Consideration Resource Guide)

The above listed categories of assistive technology solutions are not disability specific.  

For example, a student with a learning disability who has difficulty focusing on the teacher’s lecture in class due to processing difficulties may require an assistive listening device to amplify the teacher’s voice in a classroom. Additionally, students with various types of disabilities use adapted recorders originally developed for visually impaired and blind children to access audio-reading materials.

The student’s ARD committee determines the need for assistive technology devices.  Typically, assistive technology solutions are identified through consideration of assistive technology or through an assistive technology assessment.  Once an assistive technology solution has been determined educationally necessary, the student’s ARD committee should describe the required device(s) in the IEP without naming a specific brand name.  Information on considering and assessing the need for assistive technology devices and documenting assistive technology devices is included in the subsequent sections of this manual.

What is an Assistive Technology Service?

Assistive technology devices are defined in the IDEA as:

Any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, and use of an assistive technology device.  Including:

(a)  The evaluation of the needs of a child with a disability, including a functional evaluation of the child in the child’s customary environment.

(b)  Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition of Assistive Technology devices by children with disabilities.

(c)  Selecting designing fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, retaining, repairing, or replacing Assistive Technology devices.

(d)  Coordinating and use of other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs.

 (e)  Training or technical assistance for a child with a disability or, if appropriate that child’s family, and caregivers.

 (f)  Training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals or rehabilitation services), employers, or other individuals who provide services to employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of children with disabilities. (Section 300.6)

As stated in the IDEA, assistive technology services are provided to assist in the selection, acquisition, and use of an Assistive Technology device.  Often ARD committees focus their energies on the device itself and forget that the assistive technology services, as described on this site, are critical to the student’s use of the assistive technology support.  For some students, appropriate assistive technology devices are identified through an assessment that the IDEA specifies should be conducted in the student’s customary environment.  After a device has been selected to meet the student’s needs, the next step or “service” is to actually provide the assistive technology device for the student’s use.  After the device has been obtained, and if appropriate, modified, all appropriate individuals should be trained in the use of the device and the device should be made available for the student’s use across instructional settings as needed.

Required assistive technology services should be addressed in the student’s IEP.  Information on addressing assistive technology services in the IEP is included in subsequent sections of this site.

Important Things for Case Managers to Consider Concerning AT