
MATH BIO: For my math bio, I had to make a business card. In this card, we explained how we think about math and my strengths with math. I also found out what kind of learner I am. This was the first math project in the first semester, it was pretty easy but it still helped me realize how much of a math person I am.

REVERSING MATH MINDSET POLLUTION: For this project, we watched a series of videos talking about how people's mindset affected their math learning, after we watched the videos we made a big survey. This survey had people answer multiple questions. After people answered the questions we made up variables with the questions and answers. When we picked our 2 questions to use we made tables with them, then we filled out a lot of questions. For the final product we made a comic where it talks about how much you try in math affects how much you like to get challenged in math. The final poster will be linked at the start  (REVERSING MATH MINDSET POLLUTION)