Epic Journey

To make this mural we went camping to Anza Borrego. We spent 2 days and 1 night there. When we came back to school we did some research and  editing and we printed some pictures out, we then traced a picture into a wooden board. Then we painted it and we framed it on a wall.

For this mural we went on a 3 night 4 day camping trip, when we came back we picked a picture and we traced it in an app called geogebra. We also added some geometric shapes, then we did some editing and we too it into photoshop. We colored every shape and then we printed out the final product. We then traced it on a wooden board and painted it, then we framed it on a wall.

For my  epic article we made an essay, I chose to make my essay about the adventure in the orange county ropes course. I wrote how this adventure helped me make decisions on the baseball field, so I used that as my reflection.

This card has my part of my mural, along with the original picture and the first draft and trace of the bench  I did. There's also a few paragraphs I wrote and various annotations.

Orange County 3d Model 

me and my team built a 3d model of the  zipline on the Orange county ropes course. Me and my partners did a first draft then we did the final draft with some update and more color. This was one of my favorite projects of the semester.

For my ropes course anecdote we wrote our experience on the orange County ropes course. I wrote about myself using the water sprinkler, I had a lot of fun doing this. Specially since I wasn`t able to go on the ropes course since my arm was in pain from a previous baseball game.

To make this slice we walked through Point Loma, we then mapped out a slice that we got given. We filled it with certain things. Just like little landmarks, we also traced out the streets. I think this was a somewhat useless project since we didn't do anything out of this at all.

To make this graph we hiked 3 miles, we did a data collection sheet during different times, I chose to use my happiness level. After the hike we filled up a desmos graph with the data we collected. Then we used google draw to add a paragraph and some annotations.

For this assignment we went to the Orange County ropes course, and we took pictures. Then we proceeded to add then at desmos and outline someone or something with a line of an equation. We added the pictures to google draw and added the annotations, tables, domain, range, function name, function definition, and other stuff. This was a really fun assignment.


Cuyamaca Film

To accomplish this film, we went on a 2 day 1 night camping trip to Anza Borrego. We took some footage on the house of Marshall South and the hike and way there. Me and my partner spent a lot of time doing this documentary and making sure everything fit perfectly, we ended up being really proud of the film.

Tyler Jose final draft ghost mountain.mp4

Anza Borrego Film

For this film we went on a 3 night 4 days camping trip to Cuyamaca. We had to interview a partner, after a few interviews we got some A-roll. Then we had to compile B-roll from other people and the one we took. I struggled a lot with this assignment, it was hard to make sure everything made sense and was lined up.