MW Photographix

MW Photographix

Hi my name is Mandee. My passion has always been photography but recently I’ve gotten really into drawing pet portraits. Ever since I was a younger art has always come naturally to me and always been an outlet for me to gravitate towards when things became too much. I didn’t try using cannabis until I was 25. After seeking medical guidance with cannabis and learning more it truly helps me focus. I’ve always struggled with adhd as a young child and focusing is often very tricky. Having traumatic things happen along the way in life and now also having ptsd somedays I have to take my days one minute at a time. Being around too many people quickly becomes too overwhelming. But no matter how overwhelmed I feel I always put time aside in my week to self care which includes medicating putting on some of my favourite music or a show I will listen to and just disconnect and dive into projects of creating art. Before using cannabis small projects would take forever to get done but having the ability to focus and create truly is so therapeutic! 

Check out my page if you are local and want any family portraits done or have any pet portraits you wish you have commissioned :) 
