Norml Canada & Terps not Terfs 

A gift for the cannabis activist. 

Give the gift of helping be the change in the Canadian cannabis industry! Join Norml Canada!

NORML Canada is a non-profit, public interest, member operated and funded group, chartered at the federal level in Canada since 1978. The organization is committed to eliminating all civil and criminal penalties for private cannabis use.  The use of formal sanctions to discourage cannabis use has been costly and harmful on both a societal and individual level.

Cannabis prohibition disproportionately affected marginalized groups, and the framework for legalization has failed to address these disparities to any meaningful extent. It is noteworthy that Black, Indigenous, disabled, and/or low-income people suffered the harshest effects of criminalization, yet remain underrepresented in the legal market.


Become a member 

NORML Canada envisions a future where cannabis production and consumption occurs with a fair and functional framework. Your contribution helps support the cause by funding government lobbying, public education, research, and legislative and judicial challenges. Contributions are used cover for operating expenses, to fairly compensate our service providers, and to develop resources

You can also donate here!