Mimi's Joint Jewelry 

Meet Mimi's joint jewelry 

A lot of what Mimi Cannabis is about is nostalgia, and the things I used consuming cannabis in the 70s and 80s. I remember when writing my business plan 6 years ago, I had written, "Bring back the roach clip!" Well, after much research and product-sourcing, I realized just like everything else, what’s old is new again. During the pandemic lockdowns I had plenty of time to look, and I realized that the “roach clip” had been replaced with a “joint holder”. After ordering a few styles and just promoting through Mimi Cannabis, the response was unbelievable; my DMs and website traffic blew up! I knew then that I had to curate a whole line and brand it and that’s where “Mimi’s Joint Jewelry” came in.

Check out our personal favourites from Mimi!