Secondary School GREAT News

Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash

Check out the GREAT NEWS that has taken place in Highland Secondary Schools over recent weeks and months!

Nairn's Amazing Lockdown Animations!


BGE Art & Design pupils have been producing amazing Lockdown Animations!

Kingussie High's Virtual London Trip!

Fortrose ASG's Virtual Transition!


One of Fortrose Academy's Pupil Support (Guidance) teachers, Iain Hogg, developed the following website: (below)

It has videos from subject teachers, FAQs and a virtual tour of the school (thanks to Jamie Pond and Plexus Media for developing this aspect). This was sent out to P7s week beginning 8 June, so they could explore before joining us this week, for ‘Virtual Transition Week’.

A P7 Transition Google Classroom has been up and running over the past session. This week, departments have put together lessons and posted them on the Classroom, so pupils can experience some of the discrete subject work, as well as “meeting” some of the staff. Opening assemblies took place on Monday morning – first with SMT and then the Support team, and then there will be a closing assembly on Friday. Here’s the programme:

Millburn's Digital Learning Video!


IRA Pupils' Amazing Designs!


Two autistic students from the ASN department at IRA were involved with Product Design students from the University of Twente, Holland in a learning project that ran from Feb- April 2020. The partnership involved IRA students having weekly meetings with student groups in Holland on Google Hangout, in order to give them an insight into the difficulties that they faced at school - that were unique to being autistic.

The project ‘Designing for Specific Users’ of the second-year Industrial Design students of the University of Twente finished in April 2020.

Under normal circumstances, there would have been an exhibition in which the developed solutions were shown and demonstrated, but due to the Corona Virus, an online alternative was established. On the following website the work of all student groups in Holland is shown. IRA pupils and PSA/ teaching staff provided support to two of the project groups.

Jelle Van Dyke, Assistant Professor at the Research group for Human Centred Design at the

Faculty of Engineering Technology [University of Twente] was delighted to work with Scottish students and hopes to do so again next year.

Screenshot-2020-04-20-at-11.03.08 - Joanna Blair.jpg

Grantown Grammar's Message to Pupils!


Video Message to GGS Pupils 2020.mp4

Nairn Academy's Re-Connect Series


Re-connect series to support health and wellbeing for pupils, staff and parents.

A Message from NW Sutherland Schools and Nurseries

Click below to watch the video

To all the pupils of North West Sutherland Schools & Nurseries, we hope you are keeping fit, healthy & safe during lockdown. We miss you all!

Thank you to Tide Lines for the use of their fantastic music and to Miss Lockhart for her amazing editing skills.

Stay safe! Love from all the staff of NWSS.

Mallaig High Photographers from S2&3!

Mallaig High School pupils were set a photography task for Art & Design in which they were challenged to look at the world a bit differently, and find letters in everyday objects. The pupils submitted lots of clever and interesting examples, with the letter 'o' being one of the easiest to find. It was a tough choice selecting which 'o' made the final alphabet, but it had to be the toilet roll, a little symbol of the start of the lockdown period.

Alness Academy's Amazing Art!


Portree High Lockdown in the Sun!


PHS Lockdown in the sun - Google Slides.webm

Anyone for a Virtual Assembly?!

#DingwallPrimary @DrakiesPS @DuncanthecooDF

@MillbankPSNairn @GairlochHigh #Mallaig 3-18

Dingwall Primary

Mallaig 3-18 Cluster

Duncan Forbes Primary

Drakies Primary

Millbank Primary

Gairloch High

Science Online Learning 'Artefacts'!

by S1-3 Pupils @ Millburn Academy

@millburnscience @MillburnAcademy

Science online learning products (1).pdf

Nairn Academy S1 Plane Launchers!


Plane (1) - Mrs

S1 pupils have been designing paper plane launchers this week for their home learning task - check out this slo-mo video!

Dingwall Academy Staff

'Sign Class' Continues
