Primary School GREAT News

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Check out the GREAT NEWS that has taken place in Highland Primary Schools over recent weeks and months!

Fara's Rock Pooling Video!


Fara S from Brora Primary has made the most of her lockdown experience by producing a video on Rock pooling. Fara loves the outdoors, loves being creative and loves her local environment. She has pulled all of these things together and expanded her learning in a way she enjoys with the full support of her parents. The video has been shared on our school page then put onto You Tube and the result is lots of positive comments and other children getting in touch with her asking her to show them how when lock down is over. No better compliment than to inspire others.

A Day in the Life of Miller Hub...told by the Pupils!

Shieldaig's Virtual Visit to Canada's Wonderland Theme Park!


I would like to share and highlight the outstanding work of the class teacher at Shieldaig Primary School. She worked with the children over the last few weeks to plan a school trip to Canada’s Wonderland Theme Park. The children were involved in choosing their rides etc during the editing process.

The class teacher (Mrs Nadia McCartney) has a pilot in the family. The pilot made real mention of the school trip on her plane upon take-off and landing of a real flight (see the video). The children felt so special – which of course they are.

The children watched the video together via Google Meet and took part as a whole school. Their faces lit up – full of smiles, confidence and adventure.

St Columba's "First Communion" Documentary on BBC Scotland!


My First Communion - TX Card - Violet Smith.jpg

Primary 5 children from St. Columba's Primary School in Fort William featured in a TV documentary on BBC Scotland this week called "My First Communion".

Before lockdown, the children were filmed over several days as they prepared for the sacrament of First Communion. Along with three other schools in Scotland they were specially chosen for to take part in the documentary. The children, staff and parents were delighted to see how confidently the children came across in the programme, and it reminded everyone of how much we are missing school at the moment.

The programme is currently being streamed on iplayer.

P7's Plan for Daviot Primary's Sports Day!


Daviot Sports Week June 2020.mp4

P7 have been responsible for setting Sport's challenges at Daviot Primary this week and here is just one example of the AMAZING ideas they came up with.

Caol's Cool Trip Week!


Copy of Caol’s Cool Virtual Trip Week

Crossroads Primary: Acts of Kindness!


We have a kindness padlet of kind and thoughtful acts the children have been doing.

padlet-96cyzpn6ljj99yek 1262020 - Louise Hunt.pdf

Acharacle's Lockdown Song


Oran a' Lockdown_The Lockdown Song.mp4

Here is Acharacle Primary's first edit of Oran a’ Lockdown – The Lockdown Song

The children all wrote things they have been doing during lockdown and what they were looking forward to and one of our teachers, Fiona Cameron, turned their thoughts into the lyrics and composed the tune. Pupils and staff recorded themselves singing and she has edited this together with photos of everyone.

Newtonmore Nursery's Rhyming Fun!


96402526-2339-4693-8D65-39A0B1FC296D - Fiona Johnston.jpeg

As part of our Rhyme for the week Jack be Nimble, the children were given daily physical activities to complete and to help them celebrate their own learning and achievements during their Lockdown learning their assignment for that week was to create their own gold medal. Using cardboard with holes they found yellow flowers and pushed them through the holes as you can see they are all super proud of themselves.

Fox in Socks @ Merkinch Primary


This is an exceptional video that has been sent to us from one of our P1 pupils. Some of our teachers get muddled reading Fox in Socks, so we are so impressed that you manged to read it!

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Phort Rìgh's Preparation for Mod


3E71D41F-6FED-444C-90CB-45444D007458 - Mrs Shona Macdonald.jpeg

Organisation and collation of entries for Mòd an Eilein Sgitheanaich- a week long Gaelic Mòd open to pupils anywhere to post photos or videos of them celebrating our culture and language. All Mods have been cancelled this year and we have provided a place where children from across the country can share their skills in a non-competative forum.

'Small Isles' Nurseries Virtual Meets

(Eigg, Muck and Rum)

#EiggPrimary/Nursery #MuckPrimary/Nursery #RumPrimary/Nursery

The Three Little Steggies - Lia Hunter.pdf

Although current events have completely disrupted our last term of Nursery this year, the quite bright, glittering silver lining for us at the Small Isle Nurseries has been the opportunity to forge new inter-island friendships. Before this year, our children from the Muck, Eigg or Rum Nurseries rarely met (or hadn’t at all), and now they are sending each other post, desperately excited to share stories and actively engaging in conversations, questioning and learning through our twice weekly Google Meets.

Like many Nurseries in the Highlands at the moment, we started by putting out activities for the children to do at home with their parents. Though these have been somewhat successful the feedback we got from parents was that they really wanted to provide as much social interaction for their children as possible. So we started with a Google Meet once a week and that very quickly became twice a week!

“He really gets excited about the Meets and seeing his pals” - one of our lovely parents.

We play interactive games like scavenger hunts, action songs and dressing up. We read a story every Meet or sometimes re-tell our favourite without the book! Our book of the week last week was Elmer, so the weekly activities were all things patterns and jungles. We also asked the children to create some Elmer themed art to send to a child on another island - thank you to Calmac and the Post Office Workers for facilitating this.

The children have loved all aspects of our Meets and have been fully engaged and included.

We also asked the children what they enjoyed most about our virtual Nursery Meets:

  • “Story! Because we can read them and they have words and pictures.”

  • “Seeing my friends! Because I like playing.”

  • “Today I loved doing the yoga, because I liked being the different fruits!”

Another way to get the children to interact with each other was to encourage them all to write their own version of a fairy-tale during our fairy-tale themed week. This activity also clearly showed the high quality of parental engagement and how valuable this is during a child’s learning. The stories provided superb opportunities for turn taking and listening and talking; they also created some great laughs throughout the group. We have attached Arlo’s story for you to enjoy.

However, although planned activities and structured sessions are important and really enjoyable, the most valuable moments are when the children are chatting. Who has brothers and sisters? What is better, tigers or pirates? (We decided if they joined forces that would be best… or maybe if it was a pirate tiger??).

Hearing that our Nursery pupils are talking about their new friends at home with their family and truly developing new and hopefully long lasting friendships is simply wonderful. We plan to continue these virtual Meets after all this is over, and hope this is the start of something great across the Small Isles Primaries.

If anyone would like to find out more about what we have been doing or would like any advice on running virtual sessions - let us know!

Jenny (Rum), Phoebe (Muck) and Katrin (Eigg)

The Small Isle Nurseries Team

Kinmylies Primary's Outstanding Work!


KPS - Best bits of work Week 7 - Krista Munro

The 1st Ever Merkinch Reading Festival!


A teacher at an Inverness Primary school has set up the region’s first ever online Festival of Reading in a bid to enhance digital literacy across the region’s schools.

The Merkinch Reading Festival is the brainchild of teacher Niall Ridgway, who came up with the idea after watching a number of online music festivals. These were broadcast as a replacement for the live events which were cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak.

The event, which is to be live streamed using a live steaming function within the Google Meet (video conferencing) software, can accommodate 100,000 viewers.

The Festival is a celebration of reading and learning and takes place online today (Friday 5 June) between 10am and 5pm.

Thanks to hard work behind the scenes by Highland’s Digital Development Team, which includes Head Teachers Tania Mackie and Robert Quigley, the live stream function has now been made available to all Highland schools. Highland is one of the only areas in Scotland with this functionality.

Previously Google Meet’s own video conferencing element only allowed up to 250 people to be logged in at once, but due to the streaming function within the software, the school is able to open up the festival to all schools in Highland.

The teacher behind the idea, Niall Ridgway, said: “The Merkinch Reading Festival marks a huge step in the development of digital literacy across Highland Council schools as well as within Merkinch Primary.

“Twenty-one members of staff at Merkinch will read stories or extracts from their favourite books, with the majority of these stories being shared via the e-book format. This supports all learners to clearly see the books, read along, and enjoy the images. Let's celebrate reading!”

He added: “Teachers in Highland enjoy a daily drop in video call and I mentioned the idea during one of those and it just took off from there.”

Head of Education Services Nicky Grant, said: “Niall’s very exciting Reading Festival will build on the current interest in live streaming, which offers additional potential for presenting to larger than normal audiences, as young people and staff return to School in August.”

Chairman of the Education Committee, Cllr John Finlayson, said: “Once again I am delighted to see the innovative approaches being promoted across the Highlands to develop online learning and provide access to a wide audience and I would like to thank everyone involved.”

Rosebank's Virtual Residential Trip


Primary 7 pupils enjoyed participating in ‘Lockdown Insh’ last week and engaged in a range of different practical, creative and problem solving activities. The children had a fantastic week and made the most of learning outdoors in the beautiful sunshine.

Portree Primary's Virtual Sports Day!



Lochardil Primary Looks Back....


4-Contexts-of-Lochardil-Learning-Online - Jenny Scotson.pdf

Lochardil Primary have been looking back at the vast range of learning and experiences that have been taking place during the closure of our school building. We have used this virtual template to capture just a snapshot of the fun! To us, every single child is deservedly Star of the Week as they are doing the best they can to be the best they can. We are so proud!

Morph's Campfire Movie by Hamish!


Portree Primary School came up with an innovative way to keep children active during lockdown and ensured they didn’t miss out on their annual sports day. The pupils took part in their first ever “virtual sports day,” on Friday with each child given an event to take part in at home.

The virtual event was the culmination of the schools Health and Wellbeing Week and pupils had been given a weekly activity grid to prepare them for their virtual sports day. The activities were designed to encourage pupils to work together as a family at home and focus on being happy and healthy.

And Skye’s very own Hugh Campbell, one of Scotland’s top long-distance runners, sent the children a special message of support ahead of their sport day, highlighting the importance of good nutrition, sunshine and outdoor activity. As part of the school’s screen free Health and Wellbeing Week the children were also tasked to create posters, plan events, create prizes but most of all have fun. The winning house will be announced this week.

Chairman of the Education Committee, Cllr John Finlayson, said: “It has been great to follow the virtual learning journey promoted by schools across Highland including Portree Primary School, over recent weeks and I am really impressed by the inspirational ways staff have been liaising with and supporting learners and parents.

"The Portree Primary Sports Day is a fantastic example of the school, pupils, parents and community members working together to create something unique and memorable for learners even at this difficult time. I would like to pass on my congratulations to everyone involved and it is very clear that pupils enjoyed their very different 2020 Sports Day."

Portree Primary Head Teacher, Sara Matheson, said: “This is an idea that was put together by our PE staff at school in order to focus on Health and Wellbeing and to reduce screen time for all.

“The efforts and response from our pupils and parents were extraordinary. Pupils made awards, created events, advertised their sports day and most importantly embraced the ethos of having family fun outdoors.

“We are incredibly proud of our pupils who are rising to every challenge set – this event was another example of their ongoing incredible efforts.”

Tarradale P1s Heading 'Down our Street'


As part of their topic "Down Our Street" Primary 1 have been investigating people who help us and took time to dress up as Key Workers and say Thank You for all that they are doing in our local community and beyond

Ardersier P6/7's Lockdown Poems!


Life in Lockdown: Acrostic poem - Miss Farrell

Primary 6/7 at Ardersier wrote these poems about their experience of life throughout lock-down. We were really proud of the poems that were written and think they give a brilliant and varied insight into what this experience is like for some people. :)

Kinmylies P7s and Sustrans Scotland!


Sustrans- P7 Kinmylies - Krista Munro

Our P7 year group have continued their learning activities with Iain from Sustrans Scotland. Each week they have tasks to focus on ranging from creative writing tasks, arts and crafts and problem solving while continuing to think about the sustainable message and aims. Even in lockdown we can continue the fantastic work started in school with Iain and our Bike Crew.

Grantown Pr and Nursery say Thank You to NHS and Key Workers!


All pupils in Grantown Primary School and Nursery were challenged to create an image to say 'thank you' to the NHS and Key Workers.

Cawdor Primary's Sweatshirt Challenge!


Team Cawdor Sweatshirt Challenge 2020.mp4

Avoch Pr's Sports Day & Animation Video!


Avoch Primary Sports Day. Together in spirit.

P6 and P7 pupils created animations at home using chromebooks and the Stop Motion app, guided by their Art Teacher. Some of them edited and added their own soundtracks. All developed their Art, IT and storytelling skills, while tying in with a whole-school theme of Animals & Conservation.

Beauly Primary's Book Creator Message!


Lagganlia at Home

by Daviot/Strathdearn Cluster

@daviotprimary @StrathdearnPS

Daviot and Strathdearn P7 Virtual Residential 2020

Daviot and Strathdearn P7s were due to be on their 'residential trip' this instead of cancelling it, they turned their homes into a residential centre and had their own Lagganlia at Home!

Caol Primary's Fun Quiz!


Lockdown Lego at Gledfield Primary!


Lockdown Lego - Patricia Rannie.pdf

Children spontaneously sharing their Lego creations in our virtual classroom was the starting point for this slideshow.

Rosebank Primary's Message to Families!

We are so proud of our children and their families during this very challenging time. It has been lovely to see photos and videos of what children have been doing at home. Please click on the video to see a message from the staff at Rosebank.

Lois and Harry's Beanstalks!


Just before lockdown, P1 children planted beans to observe plant growth. Look at how well they have grown!

Spean Bridge's Home Learning Records!


Copy of My Home Learning Record
Copy of Quinn Strachan - My Home Learning Record
Copy of James Exeter - My Home Learning Record.pdf
My Home Learning Record 2020.pdf
Victor Dante Douglas Berardelli - My Home Learning Record.pdf

Drakies v Arcadia (UAE)...Virtual Fixture!



Drakies P7s are competing in an international fixture against Year 6s in Arcadia school, UAE. The fixture puts pupils through their paces as they compete through a series of agility drills using the Home Court app. Keep your eyes peeled to see the fixture details released every Thursday!

Somewhere Over a Teanassie Rainbow!


Teanassie Primary and ELCC had a 'Rainbow Week' last week. All the children took part in thinking of creative ways to make Rainbows in honour of NHS Highland. They then compiled their work into a short video clip to send to them.

Bonar Bridge's Rainbow Challenge!


Staff at Bonar Bridge Primary School and Nursery set their pupils the Rainbow Challenge - a challenge to not only make a rainbow but find out the science behind rainbows and research rainbows in cultures and belief systems around the world. The effort that went into the challenge was amazing and we were delighted to be able to share the photos with the patients of the local hospital.

Aviemore Primary's Virtual Sports Day!


Virtual Sports Day - Emma MacCallum.pdf

Children at Aviemore Primary School and ELC have been taking part in Virtual Sports Day! Over two weeks children have been challenged to take part in a sack race, egg and spoon race, tennis and football challenges, skittles, relay and long jump as well as doing their daily exercise in fancy dress! As well as having lots of fun children are earning points for their House group and are waiting to find out which House will win at assembly next week!

IMG_2481 - Emma

St Joseph's P1 Sloths!


Lochardil P6B's Take on Lockdown using Emotion Works' Cogs


P6B are Opening up In Lockdown with the help of EmotionWorks. An example of the synergy between EmotionWorks, Learning for sustainability and rights education coming together to support mental health and wellbeing.

Gairloch Primary's Virtual Quiz!


In lockdown, Gairloch Primary have been setting weekly whole school clan challenges for pupils to take part in and earn points for their clan. Last week, we asked pupils to send in 3 multiple choice quiz questions.

The summer term also sees us normally completing a fundraising event. So as well, we asked our families to vote on a choice of 3 children's charities. The winning charity was Young Minds, a charity that supports children and young people's mental health.

With the quiz questions, staff then set up 3 virtual quizzes for nursery, P1-4 and P5-7. All children and their families were invited to attend and donate to Young Minds via a Just Giving page if possible.

We held the event this morning, Friday 15th May. It was such fun and lovely to see so many of the children. We had a turnout of over 80% in one of the quizzes.

We have now extended the quiz and fundraising to our local community, where they have an opportunity to download our quizzes and donate to Young Minds.

We are so proud of our children and families for taking part and for raising funds in this challenging time.

"Money, Money, Money," (Ardersier Pr)


3 Shops - Mrs MacLellan

P2/3 pupils spent a week learning all about money. At the end of the week they showcased their learning by creating their own shops at home! They were able to practise using coins and giving change as family members came to buy things from their shops. Everyone enjoyed playing in their shop.

Archies's WW2 Personal Presentation


Leading Aircraftsman John Alastair Whitehead 974378 - Fiona Jamieson.pdf

P7 have been working on a Conflicts project. Archie in P7 decided to do his task about his Great Grandad as he was a Leading aircraftsman in WW2. He has written a personal presentation of the experiences his Great Grandad had as a POW in WW2. He has put a lot of thought and effort into this, collecting information from lots of different sources.

"Stay at Home" say Hilton Primary


Liam's Lovely Video!


Final_with_audio (1).mp4

A video by Liam who is a P2 at Knockbreck (Skye)

"Thanks to ALL Key Workers," from Park Pr


Bridgend Primary's Virtual Co-operative Learning Session!


Bridgend Primary School - Co-operative Google Meet - Mr McHardy.mp4

16 P6s and 7s took part in an experimental virtual co-operative activity last week. Using Google Meet, they were briefed about the task in a 'central meeting room'. When ready, they broke off into 4 different Google Meet rooms and assigned each other co-operative roles to efficiently complete the task. After 15 minutes, they rejoined the central meeting room to feedback to each other.

The aim of this meeting was to see if virtual co-operative learning could work with Google Meet, as well as seeing whether it could be used to improve pupil emotional wellbeing.

The Great Beauly Bake Off!


"This is our tribe"...Merkinch Primary


From the Merkinch Staff to all of our Merkinch families.

Jackson's Amazing Mount Pleasant Movie!



Here is a movie made by Jackson-a P7 pupil at Mount Pleasant Primary. They were set a challenge to use all of the IT skills covered in P7, to create a movie on any subject they chose. They had to plan it, write a script if they wanted words, create scenery, sound effects and film it (thinking about camera angles)

P.E with Mrs Cairns at Lundavra Primary


Our fantastic P.E teacher, Mrs Cairns, has been bringing her weekly P.E classes straight into our homes in Lundavra. This week's P.E lesson with Mrs Cairns was circuit training. It was a tough one but she was confident that we would all manage it.

Inshes Primary's Theme Park Designs!


P6 at Inshes have been working on a theme park topic for last few weeks. It all led up to this practical project where they had to create a model of a ride in their designed theme park.

Edderton Primary's Learning at Home!


Lockdown home schooling - Allison Cawte

Living in a rural community has enabled our pupils to take their learning outdoors during this beautiful spring weather. The contribution this has had on everyone’s health and well-being during these difficult times cannot be underestimated.

We hope you enjoy our slides.

Knockbreck and Inver Primary Celebrate Working across their Cluster!

@KnockbreckPri #InverPrimary

Jane garden video .mp4
Amarillo .mov

At Knockbreck and Inver Primary Schools, we have been finding ways to not only continue and celebrate pupil achievements but also to continue to promote our positive school ethos. Promoting inclusion and teamwork across the cluster

Clas 4/Primary 4 BSGI Celebrate Deaf Awarness Week


Tha Clas 4 air a bhith ag ionnsachadh BSL fad na bliadhna agus airson Deaf Awareness Week agus Latha VE a chomharrachadh, dh' ionnsaich iad na gnìomhan airson 'We'll Meet Again'.

Primary 4 have been learning BSL all year and to mark Deaf Awareness Week and VE Day they learnt how to sign 'We'll Meet Again'.

Scoraig's Dino Explorers & Art Recreation!


Inspired by the Getty Museum’s invitation to ‘re-create’ a famous work of art at home our schools had a competition for everyone to do the same.

It was very close; the entries were sent to other Head Teachers in the area who struggled to choose and commended all of the children on their efforts. The winner of the school children’s competitions is Finn with his interpretation of ‘The Son of Man’. The winner for the Nursery children is Arhlo with his ‘Banksy’.

The staff have been taking part too and the winner was chosen by some of the children. Anyone who lies in a water filled ditch for art deserves a prize and the children agreed! Congratulation to Mrs. Kennedy.

In Nursery this term we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We have created our own dinosaurs from recycled materials, we have drawn around dinosaur shadows, we have hunted for dinosaur footprints and gastroliths. We also have been doing loads of colouring and cutting out as well as counting dinosaurs and telling and listening to dinosaur stories.

Highland VE Celebrations!

Milton of Leys - 75th Anniversary of VE Day

Kyle Primary P1-4

Glenurquhart Pr and St Clement's School Nominated for Scottish Edu Awards!

@school_clement #GlenurquhartPrimary

Spacey Podcasts from Crossroads Primary!


Space Fact - Pluto.mp3

Check out this fab 'Space Fact' recording that Mrs Hunt made to share with the pupils at Crossroads Primary! This was following on from a session on podcasting using she very bravely had a go! By all accounts, the pupils LOVED hearing this and started sending back their own audio responses!

Sophia's Amazing VE Tribute!

Sophia and Mum made this video for her school VE day party, her CP won't ever stop her from being a great singer and a Patriot - so proud!

Holm Primary's Emily's Excellent Emotion Works Cogs

@SchoolHolm @EmotionWorksCIC

Emily made some wipeable cogs to add a deeper layer of vocabulary & meaning through different scenarios #EmotionalLiteracy #EmotionWorks

Lundavra Life-7.5.20


Lochardil Pupils say

Happy Birthday to Captain Tom!


Lochardil Nursery and Primary School pupils made party hats and happy birthday messages for Captain Tom Moore on his 100th Birthday. We put together these videos to wish him a Happy Birthday!

Caitlin's Secret Den....shhh!!!


Macdiarmid Primary 7s were due to be on Raasay this week for their P7 Residential Trip...sadly, this has not been able to happen so instead, they have been given some outdoor activities to do.

Here is Caitlin's super looking den!

Awesome Auldearn's Letters to NHS!


The P6 and P7 children at Auldearn Primary School wrote letters to say a huge thank you to the NHS for all their hard work during this difficult time. The P6 teacher, Ms Reid, printed the letters off at home and then delivered them to Nairn Town and County Hospital where the hospital staff were delighted with their letters.

Hospital staff said, "Can you please let your amazing pupils know how much we appreciate their beautifully written letters. We have put them all up in our staff room and have made copies for other departments to enjoy. It gave us such a boost, you must be so proud of them."

We are indeed very proud of them all, awesome Auldearn at its very best, spreading kindness around our local community.

Aig an taigh sa Ghiblean


Chaidh iarraidh air na sgoilearan cunntas a chruthachadh den Ghiblean ann an Lockdown agus chuir sinn romhainn Leabhar Cruthaiche a chleachdadh gus a ’ghnìomh a choileanadh

The pupils were asked to create an account of April in Lockdown and we decided to use Book Creator to complete the task

Croy Primary are Making Memories!


Making memories.pdf

Muirtown Primary's Hot Chocolate Friday!


Hot Chocolate

Gledfield Primary's,

'Outdoor Learning @Home'


Outdoor Learning @ Home with Gledfield Primary Pupils - Lyndsay Simpson

These are unusual times and, as such, call for a different approach to learning. Nevertheless, it's important to remember that "difference" does not necessarily mean "deficit". This is NOT second-class learning! In many ways it is richer as it sits in "real life" contexts which are often more meaningful and deeper than many class-based activities can ever be.

The range and variety of activities demonstrate the richness of the children's lives in Gledfield and emphasises how close many of the children live to the natural world. It is their engagement and interaction with their world that makes the impact of these photographs so striking and which belies the claim that children no longer have a "childhood" in the traditional sense of the word. They demonstrate the ways in which your children are growing up and making sense of the world in the 21st Century, despite the trying times we are living through.

Alvie Primary's Assembly Message


GPS Week 3 assembly message - Sara Riach

Milton of Leys' Virtual World Tour!


MOL World Tour.mp4

At MOL, pupils, families and staff have been on a virtual world tour together, learning lots along the way...what an adventure, together!

P5 and P6 Inverlochy Class Bands!


IMG_7152 - Kirsty Clark.mp4
IMG_7151 - Kirsty Clark.mp4

Lockdown hasn’t stopped our Class Band lessons. Our amazing pupils, music instructors and teachers continue to work together while miles apart.

A Parent's Poem-Canisbay Primary


Untitled document.pdf

A fabulous poem written by a parent at Canisbay Primary

Invergarry P4-7's Newspaper Reports

from Home During Lockdown!


Benjamin White - Writing week 2 - Newspaper Report - Tim Perkins.docx
Cat Weekly - Tim Perkins.docx
Today’s News - Tim Perkins.docx
The Riddle News - Tim Perkins.docx

Millbank's Letters to Next Years's P1!


Fischy Happenings at Balloch Pr!


Our Parent Council purchased the licence for Fischy Music online so that we can all feel connected at our weekly assembly and sing our favourite songs together :)

Smithton Primary Outdoor Explorers!


At Smithton Primary we are keen to be creative, resilient and be problem solvers. So how can we continue with extra curricular clubs?! We are determined to give the young people who come along to clubs some ideas to keep them busy and motivated in their chosen clubs. Mrs McCormack and Mrs Aitken have got started with the new Outdoor/Now Indoor Explorers Club! Visit their Google Site and we’re hoping to add more pages for the other clubs.

Anyone for a Virtual Assembly?!

#DingwallPrimary @DrakiesPS @DuncanthecooDF

@MillbankPSNairn @GairlochHigh #Mallaig 3-18

Dingwall Primary

Mallaig 3-18 Cluster

Duncan Forbes Primary

Drakies Primary

Millbank Primary

Gairloch High

Meet Àine, the Weather Girl!

#Mallaig Primary

Raigmore P7s Thank NHS Heroes!


Kingussie Primary School pay a Visit to Children's Parliament

#Kingussie Primary

Three representatives from Kingussie Primary school have helped to develop a website with The Children’s Parliament for safer internet use and screen time awareness. As a school, all children took part in an Internet safety day and workshops which was led and delivered by our pupils. And here is the link:

"Our Changing World, 2020"

Poetry by Lochardil P6 Pupils

Duncan Forbes Give COVID The Boot!


Duncan Forbes Primary School wanted to create something for the children to be able to see with lots of familiar faces from school, whilst passing on the important messages

#DFPS #giveCOVIDtheboot #STAYatHOME #protecttheNHS #SAVELIVES #Keyworkers #staysafe #wemissyouall 🤩🥰🌈