Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Check out the GREAT NEWS that has taken place in ELC over recent weeks and months!

Kinmylies ELC...Still Very Much Together!


Kinmylies ELC - Online Learning copy.docx

Holm Primary ELC's Blog


The Holm ELCC blog continues to go from strength to strength during this time of virtual learning. Staff work hard to contribute weekly and parental engagement levels with the blog continue to be high. It is a great way for staff and parents to see what children have been up to during their time at home. Staff at Holm ELCC take great pride in the blog and our very own editor, Mrs Carey.

Ted's Adventures in Space!


Nursery Daily lesson on class dojo - Clare Lake

Nursery plan daily activities using Ted. On this day Ted was looking at Space

Sally Snake and Holm ELC!

@HolmElcc @SchoolHolm

The EYPs at Holm have been uploading activities to Google Classroom as part of our “Holm schooling.” Elaine Christie (one of our EYPs) created a great gardening video, we are missing Mrs Christie’s gardening skills! Well done to Sally Snake too! This is just one example of the amazing work our team is doing to support our children’s learning at home.

Milton's Magical Message!


You’ve got a friend in me.MOV

Milton Nursery's Dino Fun!


We have started a topic on dinosaurs with help of our home learning toy Haggis (a dinosaur) The children lead the planning by making mind maps at home and one of the things they wanted to learn was what dinosaurs eat. We learned some dinosaurs eat meat and some just plants. The children did an amazing job of making a meal for Carnivore and Herbivore dinosaurs. They have been really engaged and inventive with their activites. Today the children need to find out how baby dinsoaurs are born and have to follow in Haggis footsteps round the local woods to find the answer! (They have been advised to adhere to social distancing, the walk is part of their daily exercise)
