School Uniform 

 Èideadh Sgoile

School Uniform / Èideadh Sgoile

At Lochcarron Primary we encourage children to follow the school dress code. Wearing a school uniform helps pupils foster a sense of identity with Lochcarron Primary School. The dress code is based on a royal blue sweatshirt/hoodie/cardigan, a white or royal blue polo shirt and dark trousers/skirt/shorts. 

Zipped jumpers and hoodies can now be ordered online through MyClothing.Com 

T-shirts, polo shirts, shorts etc are still available to buy from the school at the following prices until our stock runs out.

Sweatshirts £10

T-shirts £5

Shorts £4

We also have a few hoodies left in sizes 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10, which we will happily offer a discount for. 🙂