Our News - Term 4

Na Naidheachdan Againn - Teirm 4

Last Week of Term!

Here's the last installment for seven weeks. Have a wonderful summer; we will see you all back at school at our new time of 8.55am on Tuesday 20th August!

Nursery News

We said cheerio to two of our nursery children who ae heading to P1 in August. Tyler and Ishabel will be moving to P1 EM and P1 GM respectively. Good luck in your new class and with your new adventures!

P1-4 EM

We made bug chimes and the P4’s got a cake from Mrs Maclennan for us to use as a dividing activity for a goodbye party! Now that is our kind of maths! 

GM P1-7

Shiubhail a’ chlann gu Inbhir Nis airson farpais a dhèanamh sa Mhòd ionadail. Bha sinn gu math toilichte na fèilidhean a thug Loch Carrann Weavers dhuinn airson a’ chiad uair a chaitheamh. Bha a’ chlann a’ coimhead gu math spaideil. Ghabh a’ chlann pàirt ann an grunn cho-fharpaisean buidhne agus aon-neach agus bhuannaich Ceitidh Finlayson òr ann am farpais seinn aon-neach do chlann-nighean P4, bhuannaich Evelyn Stewart airgead anns an Aonadh Vocal aois 11 -12, bhuannaich Sarah Murray airgead ann am farpais seinn aon-neach p2 agus bhuannaich Isla Murray bonn umha anns an p3 Girls Solo Singing. B’ e latha air leth math a bh’ ann agus bha sinn air leth toilichte a bhith còmhla ri grunn bhuill den teaghlach againn airson taic a thoirt don chlas againn.


The children from the Gaelic class travelled through to Inverness to compete in the local Mòd. We were really happy to wear the kilts that were kindly donated to us by the Lochcarron Weavers for the first time. The children looked very smart. The children participated in several group and solo competitions and Ceitidh Finlayson won Gold in the P4 Girls Solo Singing competition, Evelyn Stewart won silver in the aged 11 -12 Vocal Solo, Sarah Murray won silver in the p2 Solo Singing competition and Isla Murray won bronze in the p3 Girls Solo Singing. It was a great day and we were delighted to be joined by some many family members to support our class.

EM P5-7

Where has the time gone?! This year has flown by. We have made so many wonderful memories. This week has been bittersweet; we are excited for our summer holidays to begin; however we are sad to see the P7 pupils go. They are now in a new phase in their life, and we wish them much success and happiness on their journey to high school. “Oh, the places you will go!” Good luck, Primary 7!


This week we focused on spending quality time together, playing, singing, sharing our skills and talents with each other and being creative.


Art & Design: Cityscape
We learned that one-point perspective is a drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, coming together towards a single “vanishing point” on the horizon line. We applied our knowledge and understanding by creating our own city scene using a one-point perspective. Well done, artists!


Technologies:  Programming
We used Scratch to code. Thank you, Zachary, for taking the lead on this one.


Health & Wellbeing:  PE
This week’s PE session was organised by our P7 pupils, Lexie, Niamh, Maura & Kasey, who set up circuits and a cooperative game at the end.  Fantastic leadership skills, P7s!


Science:  Boat Powered by a Chemical Reaction

Have you ever wondered how chemical reactions can be used to create motion? We learned the science behind the role of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) in producing carbon dioxide gas. When the two came into contact, carbon dioxide was released down the straw and propelled the boat across the water.  For those groups whose boat didn't move forward, it is important to work out why. Scientists investigate even when experiments go wrong. Remember, scientists do not ignore unexpected results, they continue to explore the 'whys' and 'what ifs' and appreciate how the real-world works.

Science:  Creating Bubbles
Creating the world's BIGGEST bubbles is ALWAYS a good idea! 


To my pupils,

Thank you for all your smiles, laughter and hard work this year. I am so proud of your achievements. Here’s to a fantastic year and a brilliant future ahead! Have a fun summer.


Mrs. McCartney xx

Week Beginning 17th June, 2024

Our last full week before the end of the year, and we are still packing in the learning experiences. 

The school enjoyed a fabulous morning with our local Fire Service on Tuesday...there are lots of photos to share with you! Suzanne from the library came to visit us to talk about the summer reading challenge, the EM classes enjoyed a wonderful fete day, laid on by the Howard Doris Centre and the Gaelic class went to the Mod in Inverness. 

Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Nis 2024 - Inverness Local Mod 2024

Tha dealbh sgoinneil againn den Chlas Ghàidhlig uile a' coimhead cho spaideil anns na fèilidhean ùra aca, air a thoirt dhuinn le Lochcarron Weavers, ach faigh a-mach an ath sheachdain ciamar a fhuair iad air adhart san fharpais...

We've got a fabulous picture of the Gaelic Class all looking so smart in their brand new kilts, donated to us by Lochcarron Weavers, but find out next week how they got on in the competition... 

Howard Doris Fund-Raising Fete

The English medium classes enjoyed a trip to the Howard Doris Centre, where they had fun at the stalls and saw the fire engine again! Thank you very much for inviting us... and for the lovely ice creams!

Nursery News

The nursery children had a fabulous time on Tuesday morning with the P1-4s and the local Fire Service volunteers. What an experience! We are really grateful to all the volunteers who gave up their time to come along to Kirkton Woodlands to show the children all the quipment and talk about what they did. There are definitely a few vounteer fire service crew in the making!

P1-7 GM

‘S e seachdain mòr a th’ ann dhan chlas againn agus sinn a’ dol chun a’ Mhòid agus tha sinn air bhioran, tha mi cinnteach gun cluinn sibh a h-uile càil mu dheidhinn. Tron t-seachdain c4-7 airson saidheans thàinig còmhla ri ar caraidean ann an c5-7 Beurla airson ìm a dhèanamh à uachdar dùbailte. B’ e an aon dòigh cheart air an ath-bhualadh ceimigeach seo a dhearbhadh a chuir air beagan toast! Bha sinn cuideachd gu math fortanach faighinn a chèilidh air an einnsean-smàlaidh, fhuair sinn cothrom air an hose a chleachdadh agus dh’ ionnsaich sinn mu bhith sàbhailte ann an teine.


It is a big week for our class as we go to the Mod and we are very excited, I'm sure you will hear all about it. During the week c4-7 for science joined our friends in c5-7 English to make butter from double cream. The only proper way to test this chemical reaction was to put it on some toast! We were also very lucky to get to visit the fire engine, we got to use the hose and learned all about being safe in a fire.

P1-4 EM

There are pictures here of two of the reading groups making 3D models of their favourite characters in their book. The other teo groups made a slide show of their favourite animal facts from their book. The rest of the photos are of course from the fire engine visit, they all really loved it!

P5-7 EM

Fire Station Visit

It’s been an exciting week with a walk to Kirkton Wood to visit our local Fire Brigade and learn about fire safety. We experienced what it is like to work for the Fire Services by sitting in the fire engine, wearing the gear, and testing out the equipment. Thank you to our local heroes at the Lochcarron Fire Station, we appreciate all that you do for our community.


Science:  Chemical Reactions

The Science Behind Making Butter: What happens when you shake cream in a jar? Cream is made up of tiny molecules of fat surrounded by water. When you shake the cream, the fat molecules start to clump together to form butter. We enjoyed making our yummy butter to spread on toast.


Egg Experiment:  What happens when you put a raw egg in vinegar for 48 hours? We learned that an eggshell is made of calcium carbonate and that vinegar is an acid. A chemical reaction occurs between the vinegar (acid) and the eggshell (calcium carbonate). Bubbles formed and the colour and texture of the shell changed. When we dropped the egg gently from a few centimetres above the table, the egg bounced without breaking. Cool, eh?!


Health & Wellbeing:  Physical Education
The P7s continue to organise the PE sessions by demonstrating warm-ups and setting up circuits and cooperative games.  I am very impressed with their leadership skills!


Art & Design: Ponds to Puddles Art Competition
As part of the restoration project of the Curling Pond at the Highland Folk Museum, our school has been invited to contribute to this initiative by illustrating one common species found in ponds. An interpretation panel will display the history of the curling pond and its native wildlife. One winner from each school will have their artwork featured on the interpretation panel at the Highland Folk Museum, and an overall winner will be selected to receive a free lunch at the Highland Folk Museum with their family. Good luck, artists! You are ALL so talented. 😊

Week Beginning Monday 10th June, 2024

The P7s enjoyed a lunch at 'Murphy's', the Golf Club Cafe, as an end of primary school treat. We are so proud of the young independent people they have become. We will be sad to say goodbye to them, but happy that they are ready to move on to the high school, and the next part of their journey through life.

Lochcarron took part in the annual County Sports tournament in Dingwall on Wednesday and came third! We are so proud of them all for taking part and showing grit and determination in every event. There are photos in EM P5-7 below, but here's a couple of extra ones to amuse you - our fabulous chanter players decided to entertain the crowd on their arrival with a few wee tunes in the gazebo! Well done team Lochcarron!

Nursery News

The nursery children never cease to amaze us with the amount of adventures they get up to during the week. This week they were busy in the Gaelic class enjoying some super arts & crafts activities, taking time out to enjoy books with their friends, enjoying imaginative play outdoors with the 'washing line', sandpit and mud kitchen, developing their gross motor skills using balancing and stepping, and finally... taking part in a gymnastics workout! Phew!

P1-4 EM

The P1-4s had a super P.E. session with GM 1-3 as well as EM  1-4.  The P4s  planned and ran the session . There was a mix of shinty and basketball skills, and they ended the session with a game that involved using ‘rock, paper, scissors' to see who can pass' 

Art with Mrs Loudon

The children in P5-7 enjoyed 'Transient Art' activities outdoors and the P1-4s enjoyed making 'Oil Resist Bugs'!

GM P1-7

Tha seachdain thrang eile air a bhith againn, tha sinn air a bhith ag ullachadh airson a’ Mhòid. Tha sinn cuideachd air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu cheàrnan ann am matamataig. Bha lòn math aig na p7s aig Murphy's Cafe cuideachd.


We have had another busy week, we have been preparing for the Mòd. We have also been learning about angles in maths. The p7s had a lovely lunch at Murphy's Cafe too.

P5-7 EM

This week has flown by! Here's a glimpse of what we have been up to.


Maths:  Position and Movement
This week, we have been using the Bee-Bot to improve our skills in directional language and programming sequences consisting of forwards, backwards, left and right 90 degree turns.

Social Studies:  The Debating Chamber 

We learned that the Chamber is the place where MSPs meet to debate and make decisions, and its elliptical horseshoe shape was designed to promote conversation. We transformed our classroom to resemble the Debating Chamber in Scottish Parliament. Everyone played an important part in the debate, and we had so much fun.
The motion for the debate was homework: The Scottish Parliament believes that homework is important.

The results were the following:            Yes:  4          No:  11           Abstain:  2

The motion was NOT in favour of homework.
Excellent job, MSPs. You all listened and respected each other's views.


Art & Design:  

Inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, we created our own sunflower paintings. We discussed Van Gogh’s techniques and the use of warm colours. It was wonderful to see the children apply these techniques whilst developing their own.

County Sports
Congratulations to all our athletes who took part in this year’s County Sports in Dingwall. Our school finished in 3rd place. The children demonstrated positive attitudes and great sportsmanship. They persevered and we are very proud of them. A BIG thank you to Mrs. MacCuish who drove us there and helped with the teams. A special mention goes to the following pupils for their first-place achievements:
Maura - Javelin, 80m sprint and relay race
Cade-Lee - 80m sprint, 150m sprint and relay race
John - Javelin and relay race
Orla - Relay race
Annie - Long jump
Well done, athletes! You all continue to amaze us all.

Week Beginning Monday 3rd June, 2024

This week encompassed the annual school picnic put together by Michelle and Tracey, our wonderful cooks, with decorations provided by all classes and the nursery. Yet again the cooks outdid themselves with an incredible display and a feast fit for Kings and Queens! We cannot thank them enough for the effort they put in over the past week. The hall and food looked incredible, and the food tasted delicious. Thank you for everything you do for us - we love you!🥰🐠🐟


Nursery News

The nursery have enjoyed lots of learning inside and out this week. They've explored shape, volume, light and dark. They've made a home-made bouncy castle, and enjoyed imaginary play in a sea-side cafe! And of course... they all got dressed up for the 'Under the Sea' themed picnic on Thursday. What a fantastic week!

GM P1-7

Tha seachdain thrang eile air a bhith againn ag ullachadh airson a’ Mhòid. Chòrd cuirm-chnuic na sgoile rinn gu mòr cuideachd, bha am biadh blasta agus bha sinn toilichte ar smeòrach fhaicinn air a thaisbeanadh. Ann an c1-3 tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu cho-chomharran, bha dùbhlan againn obrachadh a-mach dè am facal às ar mata aibideil a thug na co-chomharran sinn gu. Ann an saidheans tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu stuthan togail, rinn sinn drochaidean agus rinn sinn deuchainn orra. 'S e Calum, Iseabail, Minnie agus Ishy a rinn an drochaid a bhuannaich agus chumadh i 300g. 'S math a rinn sibh sgioba!


We have had another busy week preparing for the Mòd. We also really enjoyed the school picnic, the food was delicious and we were pround to see our jellyfish on display. In c1-3 we have been learning about coordinates, we had a challenge to work out which word from our alphabet mat the coordinates led us to.  In science we have been learning about building materials, we made bridges and then tested them. The winning bridge was made by Callum, Isabella, Minnie and Ishy and could hold 300g. Well done team!

P1-4 EM

The P1-4s were working during their literacy session on rhyming words using their spelling word families.  They had to hook a duck, read the word underneath the duck,  then match it with a card that rhymes with that word.  During reading, one group has been looking at non-fiction and reading a book about ‘ Wind Power’. The children were  learning about the ‘ Beauford Scale’ and used the book’s  pictures to see if they could tell  the strength of the wind by matching the pictures to what we had in the playground, to see how strong the wind was that day.

In numeracy, the children have been working with time. How many star jumps can we do in one minute...?

P5-7 EM

What an exciting week it’s been. From learning about how laws are made in Scotland, exploring symmetry in maths, running in the rain, building towers to dressing-up as sea creatures, we have thoroughly enjoyed our week of learning. We wish to send a special thank you to our school cooks, Michelle and Tracey, for a spectacular 'under the sea' school picnic. They always put so much love in our meals!


Maths & Design:  Symmetry

In Maths this week, we explored lines of symmetry in objects, shapes and pictures by investigating mirror images. We applied our knowledge of symmetry to complete flower drawings which turned out beautifully.


Social Studies:  How Laws are made in Scottish Parliament

This week, we learned that one of the main jobs of the Scottish Parliament is to pass and change laws. A bill is a suggestion put forward in Parliament to introduce a new law, make changes to or remove certain aspects of existing laws. There are three stages for a bill to pass and become a law in the Scottish Parliament:

Stage 1:  General Principles

Stage 2:  Amendments

Stage 3: Amendments, Debate & Finale Vote

Blether Stations:  Are laws important? In our topic groups, we decided to take our discussions outdoors. This was a great way for us to interact with one another and get moving whilst sharing our opinions and views.

Making Laws: If you were given the opportunity to create a law, what would it be? We brainstormed ideas for a new law and why we thought it was needed. We also considered some of the advantages and disadvantages of this law.

It was wonderful to see everyone respect each other’s views and opinions and share their thoughts and ideas. Keep up the great work!


STEM: Toilet Roll Tower Challenge
In cooperative groups, our challenge was to design and build the tallest freestanding tower using only toilet paper rolls and cellotape. This challenge encouraged us to explore concepts of engineering, architecture, and stability. We experimented with different designs and techniques to build our towers. Congratulations to Connie, Lexie, Zachary, Felix, Skye and Cade-Lee who built the tallest tower standing at 1.29 meters. Well done, everyone! The children demonstrated excellent communication skills, problem-solving, resilience and teamwork.

Week Beginning Monday 27th May, 2024

We are certainly packing in lots of things on the run up to the end of term. We had 'Stay and Play' in our nursery on Tuesday, Sports day on Wednesday, Sailing for the P5s on Thursday and Dress Down Day Friday to finish the week off!

Here's a few photos to keep you up to date with all the learning and fun at Lochcarron this week...

Sports Day!

We had a fabulous day on Wednesday. The weather was kind to us - not too hot, with a gentle breeze (so no midges!) Everyone took part and really enjoyed themselves. It was so fantastic to see the children all cheering their house team mates on for every race, and the effort and determination they showed for the house team relay was worthy of Olympic Medal status!

Thank you to all the parents who came to support us, and thank you to the Parent Council who helped serve teas and coffees on the day too. We really appreciate your support.

We are so, so proud of the way the children behaved and demonstrtaed the Lochcarron values of Kind, Brave and Respectful. Well done everyone 😊

(Overall House Team Winner will be announced once all points are added up...)

Nursery News

The nursery children have been very busy this week, creating artwork for our 'Under the Sea' themed picnic next Thursday. They've had lots of time problem-solving outdoors (even though there were a few pesky midges around), they took part in Sports Day with all the older children, welcomed their parents in for 'Stay and Play' and undertook some scientific experiments... what an amazingly busy time our younger learners have in the ELC!

P1-7 GM

Tha seachdain thrang eile air a bhith againn ann an c1-7. Tha sinn ag obair gu cruaidh gus ullachadh airson a’ Mhòid. Fhuair c5 an cothrom a dhol a sheòladh agus tha sinn air a bhith a’ sgeadachadh ar maorach airson cuirm-chnuic an ath sheachdain. Ann am matamataig tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu airgead agus co-chothromachd. Tha sinn air a bhith dìcheallach air ar leughadh, tha c6-7 air crìoch a chur air pàirt a h-aon den nobhail Ghàidhlig aca.


We have had another busy week in c1-7. We are working hard to prepare for the Mòd. c5 got the chance to go sailing and we have been decorating our jellyfish for the picnic next week. In maths we have been learning about money and symmetry. We have been working hard on our reading, c6-7 have finished part one of their Gaelic novel.

P1-4 EM

The P1-4s have been doing a lot of work on their Expressive Arts this term, with specific focus being on how Art links to other areas of the Curriculum such as the UNCRC the Rights of the Child.  Art this term is about the right to be listened to and the right to choose your friends , inspired by Anthony Gormley ‘The Field’.

P5-7 EM

Maths:  Classifying Angles
This week in Maths, we participated in a group challenge to see how many angles we were able to classify.  We took turns identifying and marking the angles created by the strips of masking tape as either acute, right, obtuse or straight.
Well done, mathematicians!


Social Studies:  Class Election & Voting
In our topic groups, we created political parties and wrote campaign speeches. After we delivered our speeches, we then held a mock election and voted for the political party we wanted to represent us. Congratulations to all the candidates!  A special mention goes to the SGFG political party who obtained the most votes. Well done, Maura, Cade-Lee, Cole, Bobbi, Annie and Marcus. Here is the speech of the winning party, the Scottish Goats Fun Group (SGFG):
"Good afternoon. We are Bobbi, Cade, Cole, Maura, Annie and Marcus, and we are the candidates for the SGFG party. We are standing for election to the Scottish Parliament. There are many reasons that would make us excellent MSPs.

We have good personal qualities. We are hardworking, can make decisions, are good at being helpful, and are good speakers. We are also very friendly, good at getting things done and we have polite and strong views.

Furthermore, we have the support of the IHR Party. We will work extremely hard for all of you and the people of Lochcarron if we are elected. There are several issues which we feel need to be addressed and we would try our best to change these issues if we were your MSPs.

The most important issue is the amount of litter around the village and we would try to make this better by asking groups of people to clean either the beach, school, the roads and streets.

Another issue we would focus on would be for everyone to get free school lunches. We would work towards also feeding the poor and people in poverty.

Ladies and gentlemen, we urge you to vote for us in the elections to the Scottish Parliament. We will try our very best to make sure things are changed for the better when we are in the Scottish Parliament. Vote for us on Election Day and you won't be disappointed!!!

Thank you."


Art & Design:  Paper Mache Fish

We made 3D fish for our 'Under the Sea' school picnic which is scheduled for Thursday 6th June. They turned out beautifully and we can't wait to see them displayed in the dining hall. 


Health & Wellbeing:  Physical Education

We have been really enjoying our athletics unit in PE this term and we were so proud to show you all our skills during sports day. Thank you for cheering us on and participating in all the fun. 

Week Beginning Monday 20th May, 2024

The P7s returned full of excitement from their transition visit to Plockton High. They had a great time and are now really looking forward to starting a new adventure in their lives, come August.

But we still have five weeks left of Primary School!

Wednesday 29th May will be our Sports Day, which will be held in the field area - weather permitting. (If the weather is poor, we will send an email out and postpone until Wednesday 5th June.) We will start at 1.15pm and finish at the normal end of day time of 3.15pm. Everyone is welcome to come along to join in the fun. As well as the sports, the Parent Council will be serving teas and coffees again; so please bring some pennies!

Nursery News

The nursery children have enjoyed lots of fun outdoors this week with the older children. It is really great to see them spending time together, building relationships for the future and developing friendships for life.

Den-building took up some time this week, with lots of problem-solving skills being utilised. Great fun was had by all...especially the nursery staff!

They also had a visit from the library van, so they were able to enjoy reading books in the sunshine...😎

P1-4 EM

The P1-4s were practising their athletics during PE on Monday afternoon, along with the P1-3 GM class. They used some of their maths skills like timing and measure in some of the activities. 

The P1-3 then used their PE lesson as their stimulus for their writing session, which was a recount about the PE lesson. The P4s did a recount about their lesson on story stones, which was part of  one of their sessions for transition last week.

P5-7 EM

Welcome back, P7s! We missed you. It has been a fun-filled week of learning. There have been so many happy moments together. Here’s a sneak peek…


Science:  Chemical Reactions


The Science of Slime: Slime is such gooey, sticky, messy fun!  Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid which means that it is neither a liquid nor a solid but somewhere between the two. When you mix the glue and magical solution, a chemical reaction occurs to create a new substance…SLIME! 


The Science of Bubbles:  BUBBLES EVERYWHERE! A bubble is a thin layer of water and soap with air inside and out. The surface of a bubble is made up of three layers. Like a sandwich, the two layers of soap film act like the slices of bread and the filling inside is a layer of water. Liquids have a thin film at the surface called surface tension. When you add soap to the water, the elasticity of the surface increases, forming bubbles.  We had so much fun making our bubble solution and bubble wands together. Can you tell how much we LOVE bubbles?!


Health & Wellbeing:  Gardening

Please don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers. Our group of gardeners did a fantastic job sprucing up the front entrance to the school with beautiful flowers.  


Physical Education:  Athletics

We continue to practise the core skills and techniques in running, jumping and throwing. We can't wait to show you all at our school sports day. 

GM P1-7

An t-seachdain seo tha sinn air a bhith gu math trang. Tha sinn air tòiseachadh a’ dèanamh jellyfish paper mache airson cuirm-chnuic na sgoile. Rinn sinn slatan-builgean mòra ann an saidheans agus tha sinn air a bhith trang ag obair airson a' Mhòid.


This week we have been very busy. We have started making paper mache jellyfish for the school picnic. We made giant bubble wands in science and we have been busy practising for the Mòd.

Week Beginning Monday 13th May, 2024

Transition Week!

Find out what we've been up to below...

GM P1-7

Chuir an clas Gàidhlig fàilte air clann na sgoil-àraich a-steach a-rithist an t-seachdain seo chaidh. Bha iad a' dèanamh bàta le diofar stuthan. Chòrd ùine ri Iseabail mar P1 agus ghabh na P4s pàirt ann an leasanan Frangach airson a’ chiad uair!

The Gaelic class welcomed the nursery children in again this week. They were making a boat using different materials. Ishabel enjoyed some time as a P1 and the P4s took part in French lessons for the first time!

Nursery News

The nursery have been out and about in Lochcarron this week!

They had a lovely walk along the beach in the sunshine, topped off with an ice-cream from the shop! Delicious! They also took a trip to the library to meet Suzanne for a Book Bug session, where they were able to listen to stories and have a look at some different books.

P5 - 7 EM

During transition week, we welcomed the Primary 4 EM pupils into the P5-P7 EM class and enjoyed getting to know each other. We hope the Primary 7 pupils also enjoyed their week at High School.


Here’s what we’ve been up to…


Literacy:  Folk Tales
We learned that folk tales are very old stories passed down by storytellers and often teach a lesson. Folk tales, like fairy tales, are often concerned with good versus evil. Some characters are heroic and noble, and some are wicked and villainous. This week, we have been reading folk tales and exploring examples of positive and negative characterisation as well as stereotypes within different tales. We also created story stones as an aid to tell stories.  Story stones are pictures painted or drawn on smooth stones that are used in storytelling. In trios, we combined our story stones together to create our own folk tales.


Numeracy:  Money

We started our money unit in maths this week. Can you tell how much we love shopping and counting money?! 😂


Science:  Chemical Reactions in Cooking Food
Cooking and chemistry have a lot in common. Many chemical reactions take place when we cook as new substances (products) are formed. We had fun making (and eating) crumpet pizzas together. 


Health & Wellbeing:  Physical Education

This week proved that come rain or shine, we are unstoppable. We impressed Mrs. McCartney with our athletic skills whilst withstanding the elements of the weather. 


Social Studies:  What Matters to You?
We created posters for our mock election campaign. In our posters, we illustrated the issues we wish to raise and change. Please ask what matters most to us as we will proudly tell you.


Technologies:  Engineering

Who can build the strongest bridge? In small cooperative groups, we took on the roles of architects, engineers and builders. Our challenge was to use a set of materials to build a bridge that could hold a variety of weights. There were so many ingenious plans and builds. Congratulations to our winning group, Bobbi, Connie and Martha, who built the strongest bridge carrying over 5.5 kg! Fantastic work, engineers! 🏆

Winners of the STEM Challenge!

P1-4 EM

Our first two pictures are from nursery transition, where Tyler was working with Monty on counting underwater sea creatures, and following patterns with beads.

For our topic on 'Needs and Wants', the children went around in their topic groups to see what they thought the school grounds needed.  The top need was an all weather pitch!

In science we predicted that the plastic was waterproof and would keep the cotton wool dry, while the card and J-cloth were not waterproof.

We were right!

Week Beginning Tuesday 7th May, 2024

P7 Residential Week! Yes, the P7s have had a fabulous week over on Raasay at the outdoor centre. Walking, Crate Building, Kayaking, Archery, Climbing, Abseiling, Team Games, Fire Building... we will certainly sleep well this weekend!

Nursery News

The nursery children have been enjoying a fun-filled week inside and out this week. They were problem solving in the wooded area, having fun on the trikes and enjoying a visit from Ailsa the Oral Health Nurse. The children have also been doing more work around our school vlaues 'Kind, Brave and Respectful'.

P1-7 GM

Ann an saidheans an t-seachdain seo tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn ath-bhualaidhean ceimigeach. Rinn sinn oobleck, rinn sinn deuchainn air tì atharrachadh dath agus chuir sinn sgillinn ann an Coca-cola agus tha sinn a’ feuchainn ri criostalan salainn fhàs. Tha sinn air leth toilichte faicinn mar a thionndaidheas seo a-mach. Ann an eòlas sòisealta tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu ar còraichean agus ar dleastanasan agus ann am matamataig tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mun cheangal eadar bloighean, ceudadan agus deicheamhan.


In science this week we have been learning about chemical reactions. We made oobleck, we experimented with colour changing tea and we have put some pennies in Coca-cola and we are trying to grow salt crystals. We are very excited to see how this turns out. In social studies we have been learning about our rights and responsibilities and in maths we are learning about the connection between fractions, percentages and decimals.

P1-4 EM

The children have been enjoying numeracy lessons focussing on adding and subtraction.  They were making great use of  the interactive board; adding robots up to 20! They were also playing a card game of bingo that one group had made up themselves to help with quick addition and subtraction.

In art, the children created seascape collages with materials they found after taking a walk along the beach near the school, and things they could find in the classroom...

P5-7 EM

We have been missing the Primary 7 pupils but know they are having lots of fun in Raasay. This week, we made some memories of our own together…


Wraparound Spelling:  Syllables & Rhyme
This week, we have been on the -ng and -nk endings. Our spelling activities consist of stretching the sound in words, growing words with prefixes and suffixes, counting the syllables, generating rhyming words and writing sentences. Super spelling, everyone!


Science:  Chemical Changes & Reactions
We have been having so much fun learning about chemistry and have enjoyed making new chemicals and substances in our experiments. 

We are looking forward to seeing what happens to our coins in the coca cola and watching our crystals grow in the jars. Fantastic work, scientists!


PE:  Athletics

Javelins + Shot put + Hurdles + Long jump + Relay races = LOTS OF FUN!

Excellent work, athletes! Mrs. McCartney is trying to keep up!

Week Beginning 29th April, 2024

It's been a strange week with the children having a Thursday off for a change, but they all seem to have enjoyed themselves 😄 A reminder that we will be on holiday on Monday the 6th, returning to school on Tuesday at the usual time of 9.15am.

The Screen Machine will be coming to Lochcarron on the 19th and 20th of May, there is a link to the poster of films within the Policies drop-down tab in Parent Information at the top of this page, and also here

Nursery News

The nursery children have been enjoying many hours of outdoor learning this week. Teamwork has been an important part of their days; taking turns, sharing equipment and working together. The children also learned that 'Trundle Wheels' were for measuring areas in metres!

A new food sensation was also introduced...star fruit!

GM P1-7

Tha seachdain sgoinneil eile air a bhith againn, a-measg ar n-ionnsachadh mu stuthan, bloighean, sgrìobhadh, leughadh agus ealain bha sinn cuideachd air leth toilichte ar fèilidhean fhaighinn. Dh’ fheuch sinn orra agus tha iad a’ coimhead iongantach. Bha cothrom aig a’ chlann as sine cuideachd pàirt a ghabhail ann am farpais ball-coise ann am Port Rìgh agus rinn iad glè mhath. 'S math a rinn a h-uile duine!


We have had another great week, amoung our learning about materials, fractions, writing, reading and art we were also very happy to receive our kilts. We tried them on and they look amazing. The older children also had the opportunity to take part in a football competition in Portree and they did very well. Well done everyone!

P1-4 EM

The children have been enjoying P.E. with the GM P1-3 class.  The topic this term is athletcs, ready for the sports day later this month.  In literacy the children were using orienteering markers and maps to find nouns and adjectives. Once the groups found the words they needed, they had to go back to class to make up a 'silly' sentence using the words they had found. Great fun was had by all. 

This week we had a Kodaly session in person today, which was wonderful. (Kodaly is a way of learning music through singing and we normally do it online.) It was made even better by being avble to do it outdoors as the weather was lovely. 🌞

P5-7 EM

Science:  States of Matter & Chemical Changes 

We had so much fun with this week's Science experiments.


Stacking Liquid Experiment - Are all liquids the same? We investigated the density and learned that all liquids are not the same. Golden syrup is heavier than water, so it is more dense and sinks below the water. The oil is lighter, so it is less dense than water and floats on top.


Oobleck Experiment-  Is it a liquid or solid? We learned that oobleck is a non-newtonian fluid. This means that it acts like both a solid and a liquid. When pressure is applied, the cornstarch molecules squish together and act like a hard solid. When pressure is released, the cornstarch molecules have plenty of time to move out of the way and the oobleck acts like a liquid. 


Apple Experiment - How do you stop apples from turning brown? We investigated the oxidation in apples and learned that when apples are sliced, they are exposed to the oxygen in the air, which causes them to turn brown. In this experiment, we explored how apple slices react when dipped in different liquids, like milk, lemon juice, vinegar, and salt water. We discovered that lemon juice and salt water worked the best at slowing the browning process (oxidation) in apples. Well done, scientists!

Maths:  Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
We are well on our way now to understanding how to compare and order fractions on a number line. This week, we have been applying our knowledge of fractions when converting decimals and percentages. Keep up the great work, mathematicians! 

Social Studies:  Democracy & Scottish Parliament
In our topic groups, we created a political party by first deciding on our party name, colour schemes and logo. We then created a  manifesto about how we would run our school if we won a class election. A manifesto is a document of things the parties pledge to do if they win the election. In the next couple of weeks, we will get our campaigns ready in time for our class mock election. Good luck, politicians!

Physical Education:  Athletics
We have been developing our strength, stamina, technique, control and balance in running, jumping, and throwing. Our main focus has been on the following:

Well done, everyone! 

Finally, we are wishing our Primary 7 pupils best of luck during their transition week at high school and a fabulous time at Raasay. 

Week Beginning 22nd April, 2024

Summer term is up and running with our first residential trip complete. The P5-7 Gaelic Medium children went to Edinburgh for three days; Monday - Wednesday and had a fabulous time! Find out below what they got up to...

Clas 5-7 Turas Dhùn Èideann

Thug a' chlann an trèana à Inbhir Nis gu Dùn Èideann Diluain, agus dh'fhuirich iad aig Ostail na h-Òigridh ann am meadhan a' bhaile. Air a’ chiad fheasgar ghabh iad cuairt sìos Sràid a’ Phrionnsa agus ghabh iad a-steach cuid de na seallaidhean. Dimàirt chòrd iad ri tadhal air a’ chaisteal, ‘Dynamic Earth’ agus an uair sin cèilidh sgoinneil san fheasgar. Thug Diciadain a-steach seallaidhean de na Gàrraidhean Luibh-eòlais, turas dhachaigh air an trèana le turas gu Burger King!

Ghabh a h-uile tachartas a-steach don Ghàidhlig; bha Gàidhlig aig luchd-treòrachaidh agus fhuair a’ chlann eòlas air a’ chànan aig amannan bìdh agus feasgar cuideachd. Tha sinn airson taing mhòr a thoirt don Bh-Uas Elder agus ar pàrant saor-thoileach mìorbhaileach, Fiona Chamshron, airson an ùine a thoirt seachad agus airson cothrom a thoirt don chloinn pàirt a ghabhail anns a’ chothrom air leth seo.

The children took the train from Inverness to Edinburgh on Monday, and stayed at the Youth Hostel in the centre of the city. On the first evening they took a walk down Princes Street and took in some of the sights. On Tuesday they enjoyed a visit to the castle, 'Dynamic Earth' and then a fabulous ceilidh in the evening. Wednesday took in the sights of the Botanical Gardens, a trip home on the train topped off with a visit to Burger King!

All events embraced the Gaelic language; tour guides spoke Gaelic and the children were able to experience the language during mealtimes and evenings as well. We want to say a huge thank you to Miss Elder and our wonderful parent volunteer, Fiona Cameron, for giving their time and enabling the children to take part in this fantastic opportunity.

Nursery News

The nursery children have been busy planting pots to cheer up the nursry fence. They've also enjoyed creating a path through the woods, giving the outdoor area a 'spring clean' and making aeroplanes with the Gaelic class.

P1-3 GM

Bha Mrs Wood còmhla riutha aig GM P1-3 Dimàirt agus Diciadain. Rinn iad mion-phròiseact air gnìomh capilliary. Chuir iad flùraichean ann an uisge dhathte gus faicinn mar a ghluais uisge tro na gasan, agus chruthaich iad boghan-uisge le inc, uisge agus searbhadair cidsin. Bhiodh iad cuideachd a’ cur sìol airson nas fhaide air adhart san t-seusan.

The GM P1-3 had Mrs Wood with them on Tuesday and Wednesday. They did a mini-project on capilliary action. They put flowers into dyed water to see how water moved through the stems, and created rainbows using ink, water and kitchen towel. They also planted seeds for later in the season.

P5-7 EM

What a wonderful week it’s been!

Physical Education (PE):  Athletics
We had a WONDERFUL PE session. It was lovely to see everyone encourage each other and demonstrate excellent sportsmanship. This week, we focused on sprinting, speed, coordination, hurdling and pull-throw techniques. We also enjoyed a fun and friendly game of Capture the Flag. Well done, athletes!


Social Studies:  Rights & Responsibilities
We learned that rights are a set of rules that ensure all people are treated equally, fairly and with respect. We have a responsibility to protect each other's human rights. We also learned that children have rights. The UNCRC sets out rights to protect children.

Writing:  Information Report - Biography
We investigated the text and language features of a biography to help us plan and write our own biographies about a significant person in history or famous person.


Art & Design:  Still Life with Fruit

Inspired by the artist, Paul Cézanne, we created our own still life with fruit drawings, and we are so pleased with how they turned out! You continue to amaze us all, artists!

P1-4 EM

The children have been practising their days of the week in Gaelic, along with their daily greetings. Why not ask them what they know at home?

Our topic this term is 'Needs and Wants'. In class the children worked in groups. There were five blether stations with two pictures at each station. The children had to say if they 'need it' and why or ‘want it' and why . Some very interesting conversations took place...

On Thursday the P1-7GM class joined us for a walk on the beach where we learned about properties of materials. We hunted for man-made or natural materials and sorted them into groups.

Term 4 - Welcome back! 

Week Beginning 15th April 2024

We have had a super week back in school. The children have been telling us what they were up to in the holidays and sharing their news of far-off places they travelled to.  (We're not sure whether we should believe them all or not..!)

The P6/7s were invited to a golf taster session at the Lochcarron Golf Club, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. So much so, that they have all asked if they could have another session before the end of term! Thank you to Iain and Neil who looked after us so well.

We also want to say a huge thanks to Lochacrron Weavers who have made the kilts for the Gaelic Class to wear to the Mod in June. The children will be able to see these next week and we are really excited to be able to have our children dressed in traditional wear for such an important event. 

P6/7 Golf Taster - Friday 19th

Nursery News

We have had great fun outside and in this week. The garden area is beginning to grow and we will be planting very soon.

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Sam who has worked with us since Christmas, but she is not going too far... she will be helping out in the school over the next few weeks (and hopefully popping into the nursery for a few sneaky visits!) Happily, we said welcome back to Lily! We will be seeing much more of her over term 4 🙂

We also had the excitement of the steam train passing through Strathcarron. Thank you to all the nursery parents who came along to help us enjoy this rare occurrence.

P1-4 EM

This term we are learning to tell the time. During maths, we found out where north was so we could make sundials. this enabled us to make our very own clocks!

We also welcomed two new pupils into P3 this week, so the P1-4s took time during 'Circle Time' to introduce themselves and tell each other about themselves. We use a hand puppet to help break the ice. Whoever has the puppet speaks and everyone else listens.

The focus for PE this term is athletics, and P1-4 got straight to work with their practising. 

GM P1-7

Tha a’ chiad seachdain àlainn air a bhith againn air ais ann an c1-7.



Ann an saidheans tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu stuthan agus am feartan. Rinn sinn taighean, air am brosnachadh leis na Trì Mucan Beaga, a-mach à diofar stuthan agus an uairsin rinn sinn deuchainn air dè cho math ‘s a thàinig iad beò bho ghaoth is uisge.


Ann am matamataig tha sinn air cuspair ùr a thòiseachadh air bloighean agus tha sinn a’ faighinn tòrr spòrs ag ionnsachadh mun deidhinn. Tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu bhith a’ sgrìobhadh aithrisean pearsanta agus sgrìobh sinn mu na saor-làithean againn. Ann an eòlas sòisealta tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu Phàrlamaid agus dhealbhaich sinn eadhon ar n-airgead fhèin nar leasan ealain.


We have had a lovely first week back in c1-7.



In science we are learning about materials and their properties. We made houses, inspired by the Three Little Pigs, out of different materials and then tested how well they survived wind and rain.


In maths we have started a new topic on fractions and we are having a lot of fun learning about them. We are learning about writing personal recounts and we wrote about our holidays. In social studies we are learning about Parliment and we even designed our own money in our art lesson.

Welcome back, everyone! It was lovely to see so many smiling faces. 

Here's what we've been up to this week ...

Social Studies:  Scottish Parliament & Democracy
We started our new topic by discussing the difference between democracy and dictatorship. Each group was asked to design a building to hold a children's parliament.

Group 1:  Absolute Dictatorship
One person was nominated by the teacher as the boss. The boss discussed what the building would look like, but did not listen to any ideas of the other members of the group.

Group 2 & Group 4:  Direct Democracy
The whole group was responsible for the design and drawing of the building. The purpose was to see how far the task could get with everyone making all the decisions together. Every person had to be involved and all the decisions had to be made by discussion and vote.

Group 3: Representative Democracy
The group chose two members of their group to design the building on behalf of the group. The two people were then responsible for drawing the group's building. They were able to consult with the rest of the group any time and any new ideas would only go ahead if the majority of the group agreed and voted on it.

Many children mentioned how they much prefered a democracy where representatives were elected by them to get the job done. 

Writing: Personal Recount
We examined the text and language features of a personal recount to help us write about our Easter holidays. We investigated time connectives, proper nouns, adjectives, verbs in the past tense, adverbs and adverbial phrases.


Physical Education (PE): Cooperative Games &  Athletics
This week we focused on our running, jumping and throwing skills when participating in the following activities:

Science:  Change in Substances & Chemical Reactions
Our inspiring scientists had so much fun investigating reversible and irreversible changes and chemical reactions. The scent of vinegar still lingers in the classroom! 😂 

We observed the following in this week's experiments: