Workplace Learning Connection

Job Shadows and Internships through Workplace Learning Connection

More information on signing up for Job Shadow

Workplace Learning Connection, a department of Kirkwood Community College, will be presenting at your school to kick off career exploration opportunities for 10 – 12th grade students. Based upon students interests, students may choose a one day job shadow experience at a business or choose a more detailed experience with our internship program.

· The enrollment process for job shadows is currently open.

· Students must apply for a job shadow by going to

· Students should click on the desired job shadow or exploration day and complete the form in its’ entirety

· Enrollment deadline is October 9th at 3pm

Career Choices


Congrats to students for reaching the goal of 40 job shadows!!! We increased our number from 6 last year to 48 this year. It is great to work with students who want to take steps to prepare for the future! As promised, on Friday, October 5th, we had ourselves a BEAR FIGHT!