Mental Health

What is mental health?

Mental health is your overall psychological and emotional wellbeing. It isn't just limited to  depression, anxiety, and other common mental health challenges. Many things, such as confidence, self-esteem, resilience, your environment, and even your genetics can influence your mental health. 

Why mental health?

Your mental health impacts everything in your life. As a student, your mental health is a major factor for productive learning (have you ever experienced test anxiety??). As a friend, your mental health impacts your ability to be social. As a future (or current) employee, your mental health impacts your job performance. 

You don't need a diagnosis to prove that you are struggling with your mental health . It is common feelings of depression, anxiety, etc. Your feelings and thoughts matter, and they are important. This page will guide you through tips and tricks on living a mentally healthy life, coping skills, how to help someone who is struggling, and useful mental health resources.