Typical School Day

Yr 7

This is a typical timetable for Yr 7. You will have 3 hours of:

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

2 hours of:

  • Technology

  • Physical Education

  • Welsh

1 hour of:

  • Art

  • Drama

  • French*

  • ICT

  • Geography

  • German*

  • History

  • Music

  • Spanish*

  • Religious Education

  • Resilience

*You will only study 2 out of the 3 available Modern Foreign Languages in Yr 7. You will also complete PSE sessions which is on a rolling timetable.

Did you know?

The subjects are arranged into faculty areas. We have Communications, Mathematics, Science, CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts), CEB (Cymru, Ewrop A'R Byd), Technical and Vocational and CTSP (Community and Services to People