Summary of Lower School Curriculum Plan for the Curriculum For Wales
Hawarden High School has been in existence since 1606; one of the oldest schools in Wales. We serve the young people, families and communities of Hawarden and its surrounding villages. The school has been situated on its current since the 1890's with many listed buildings making up our unique accommodation. It has been through many guises- a junior high school and a grammar school, but for the last half century it has been an 11-18 secondary comprehensive school with almost 1200 pupils in each of Years 7-13.
We are proud of our school which has a long history of excellence and the promise of an outstanding future. Hawarden High School has served its community for 414 years and will strive to offer the very best for our youngsters as they prepare themselves for an increasingly competitive working world.
Education in Wales is Changing!
Welsh Government curriculum reform will support young people to develop the skills they need to make the most of life.
What is changing?
There will be a new curriculum, made in Wales by teachers, partners, practitioners, and businesses and shaped by the best ideas from around the world. Assessment will be part of your child’s learning every day and they’ll work with their teachers to understand how well they’re doing.
Why must we make these changes?
The national curriculum was first introduced in 1988 before on-line shopping, Google and the Cloud. Now, the world of work is different, technology is different, society is constantly changing. The curriculum must prepare young people to develop higher standards of literacy and numeracy, to become more digitally and bilingually competent, and to be confident, capable and compassionate citizens of Wales and the World🏴
When will it happen?
Here’s when the new curriculum will be taught:
September 2022 – Upto Year 6
· September 2023 – Year 7 and 8
The curriculum will then roll out year by year until it includes year 11 by 2026 .
Why a new curriculum?
It is believed that as many as 65% of today's students will be employed in jobs that don't yet exist
In 10 years time, 50% of jobs will be changed by automation/ 9/10 jobs will require digital skills
Welsh Government said the changes will prepare children for the "globally connected world where we all have computers in our pockets"
It will also place more emphasis on learners' wellbeing and the skills they will need in an ever-changing employment market
Guides to the new curriculum?
There are useful guides for parents, carers and young people. You can access them by clicking on the icons to the right.
Purposes of the curriculum
The purposes of the Curriculum in Wales be that young people develop as:
A school’s curriculum is everything a learner experiences in pursuit of the four purposes. It is not simply what we teach, but how we teach and crucially, why we teach it.
Our Curriculum Vision
Our curriculum is learner- centred and our aim is to provide an education that enables our students to develop the qualities and transferable skills that will equip them to adapt and thrive in the modern world. Our vision is that the Four Purposes of the curriculum are realised so that every student aspires to be ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; ethical and informed citizens and healthy, confident individuals.
Our curriculum vision intends to deliver on the Four Purposes with an impact-focused curriculum, which by its very nature will:
promote a culture of high expectations
provide excellent academic standards achieved through a rich repertoire of pedagogical approaches
nurture imagination, enquiry and ambition through authentic experience
develop the skills needed for a lifetime of learning and work in a diverse and rapidly changing society
enable us to work as a community in promoting high standards of care in a harmonious and supportive environment
embrace healthy living so that all students can physically, emotionally and mentally excel
Our curriculum will also:
provide a breadth of learning, drawing together a range of experiences, knowledge and skills across a range of contexts, topics and activities, making links across Areas of Learning and Experience
provide for, over time, an increasing depth and sophistication of learning
be developmentally appropriate and drive learners’ progression
incorporate opportunities for learning and consideration of cross-cutting elements, which:
allow learners to consider local, national and international contexts
develop understanding of careers and work-related experiences
develop understanding of human rights education and diversity
Contact Information:
Should you have any further queries please contact:
Tel: 01244 526400
(Please note that calls to this number may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes)
The Highway, Hawarden, CH5 3DN