The Husky Corporation is dedicated to two things: 1. Ridding the world of evil. 2. Keeping the corporation's existence a secret. All travelers employed by the corporation are expected to uphold these same core principles. In order to stay in good standing with your agency and to level-up the ranks in your agent responsibilities, every traveler will be expected to follow ALL corporation expectations.

The expectations are that each Husky Agent will:

  • Be prepared, respectful and take the initiative - follow all HHMS and 6th Grade Team policies.
  • Be responsible for their own work and behavior - check Canvas and the Agency Broadcast Center (ABC) regularly.
  • Be organized and turn in assignments on time - keep notebook up-to-date and ask for help.
  • Be striving toward obtaining mastery through Purpose Driven Learning - be the BEST you!

Agency - the entire class period is referred to as an Agency. There are six agencies: Ruby, Amber, Citrine, Emerald, Sapphire, and Amethyst.

A.D. - the teacher, the agent director and game master. Has full control of the game and the ability to change any/all of the rules.

Agents - another name for a student.

Agent ID - your in-game image that represents you with the TimeQuest world.

Badges - agents may earn two types of badges within the game: mini badges & mastery badges. Watch for opportunities to earn both. These badges will earn you XP and special abilities. (see XP & Badges page)

Battle - quizzes and tests use this kind of language. Prepare for battles with tons of practice and you will achieve victory over your opponents.

Briefcase - this is the section of your agent notebook used to store item cards earned throughout your travels.

Crew - your assigned group that you must work with for an extended period of time.

Easter Eggs - there will be hidden items and quests throughout the year; these are known as easter eggs because it is each agent's job to seek out and find them!

Items - items that are earned or bought and can be used throughout the game to help in various ways. Agents can only use ONE item per day. Use your items wisely. (see the Supply Closet page)

Leaderboard - this area of the room and gamesite displays the top agents in the game. You control where you are on this board!

Quests - these are the center of the game. Quest are activities for you to partake in to earn XP, items, and for the very best mastery badges. To succeed within the corporation, one must tackle many quests.

Crew Quests: quests completed in class with your crew.

Side Quests: quests completed on your own. (optional)

Secret Quests: quests that are hidden within the game and may be individual, partner, or small group, it depends on the quest. (optional)

*All quests will be posted on the Map page.

XP - experience points are earned for going above and beyond on tasks. You don't earn any for doing what is required. Use your class time wisely as you earn points during independent work time and your quests. XP unlocks your agency level, which leads to more powerful items. (see XP & Badges page)

Each quest tests your abilities and offers you a chance to grow and show your talents. Below are the basic rules that you must follow for all side quests unless the side quests say differently.

1. You are allowed to attempt a quest once. Agent Director Doenges wants you to do your very best so make sure you are doing this the first time. You only get one shot on each quest.

2. All quests must be turned in before the date specified on the quest. You MUST get your quest in on time or it will not count.

3. All quests must be turned in following the proper directions. Any work not submitted correctly will not be scored. Make sure you name your quest/file like this: Quest Name - First & Last Name - Agency Name

4. When you complete your quests, digital or non-digital, you must fill out a quest form and place it in the corporation IN Box found on the supply wall. (REMINDER - fill it out correctly to be awarded your points!)

5. You will earn your reward for your quests when A.D. Doenges has time to check them. Please be patient.

All quests will be displayed on the Map page. It is your responsibility as an agent to check this regularly for updates.

Digital Side Quests should be submitted to A.D. Doenges's email -

Within the game, you are able to acquire items that will help you along the way.

Requirements: To use an item that has a level printed on it, you must have earned this level within the game. Please visit the Supply Closet page to view a more detailed description of the items available by the corporation.

*Check the Leaderboad or your Agency Board to see what level you are at.

Badges are the heart of the corporation. Items, described above, help you throughout the game, but badges are where true agents shine! Each badge has a hidden value assigned to it that will be calculated and added to your XP at the end of the quarter OR end of the year.

Requirements: Agents who consistently show the Keys to Purpose Driven Learning, will earn mini badges. Mastery badges are for agents who go above regular classroom expectations. Please visit the XP & Badges page to view specific badges that are available and their requirements.

Badges are to be displayed proudly on your agent notebook (your ISN). This will show your fellow agents you are committed to the corporation objectives and allow you to help others who may need extra assistance.