Year 13

Personal Investigation

Year 13 is focused on personal practice and development. During the first term students resolve their coursework project - THE PERSONAL INVESTIGATION. This portfolio of artwork with outcome/s is assessed in February and is worth 60% of the final grade. It also includes a written element called The Related Study. All work is the result of a personally selected theme and which ever media/processes each students feels represents their strengths and interests best.

Externally Set Task

From February to May students work on a second project, selecting from seven themes set by the exam board via an early release paper. The submission feature a portfolio of preparatory work and a final outcome/s, which is made in exam conditions. An example of tasks set can be found here: Externally Set Task


All work is assessed internally using the criteria which can be found here: Assessment Grids

Work is then externally moderated by a representative from OCR.