Wellness Resources

Mental Health Resources for Oak Hills High School Students

We recognize that our students may feel additional stress and anxiety during this period of uncertainty and our goal is to provide a safe space to support emotional management and promote mental health awareness as well as supply resources and answers to your questions. The following resources are available for all Oak Hills High School students and families.

Care Solace is a platform that helps families connect to local mental health care resources such as counseling that is covered by their insurance. Parents can complete a Care Solace Referral. You do not have to be referred by a staff member.


Getting the Right Start. 

This student guide to mental illness talks about warning signs of mental illness, what to do if you're worried, and what to say if you need help. 


Taking Charge of Your Mental Health

Now that you've gotten started, take charge of your mental health. This infographic gives you the next steps.


Want to Know How to Help a Friend?

One of the most important ways to be a good friend is to help your friends when you notice something is wrong. This includes helping them get the support they need and deserve if they are experiencing a mental health condition. This might seem like a big task, but it doesn’t have to be.