About Me!

All About Miss Watkins!

These are a few of my favorite things!

Check out some of my favorite things in the pictures!

In my free time when I am not teaching I love to travel to new places! I have been to several countries, including Italy and Spain, and my favorite place in the entire world is Ireland! I also love going to Disneyland and the mountains!

When I'm at home I love to read books about spaceships, aliens, magic, and fantasy worlds. I love Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and The Magic Tree House! I also love watching movies, like Star Wars and Pixar movies, and baking delicious treats. I like going to the gym and exercising everyday.

Favorite Color


Favorite Snack

Goldfish Crackers

Favorite Drink

Iced Coffee

Favorite Treat

Vanilla Ice Cream

Favorite Animal


Favorite Book


Favorite Movie

Toy Story

Favorite Plant



I have a mom, a dad, and a younger brother named Taylor. I visit them whenever I can and we enjoy playing games, going to the lake, and having movie nights together as a family.

The Watkins would not be complete without the family pups, Rebel and Winter! These dogs love to swim, eat treats, and play with toys. I love dogs and I hope to get one of my own soon!

Figure Out Miss Watkins!

How old is Miss Watkins?

10 + 10 +3 + 4 = ?

In what year did Miss Watkins start teaching at JC?

2020 - 4 = ?

How many countries has Miss Watkins visited?

19 - 5 - 5 = ?

How many places has Miss Watkins lived?

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = ?

What is Miss Watkins' favorite grade to teach?

10 - 8 = ?

What is Miss Watkins' favorite number?

2 + 2 + 2 = ?