The Value Of Natural Resources

Natural resources are very valuable so we should not use them in the wrong way. Some natural resources are renewable and some natural resources are non-renewable. Some are more valuable than others, but that does not mean we do not have to be careful with the way we use them.

Oil is one very valuable resource. Humans use them in SOO many ways. We use oil to survive such as heating our houses on cold winter days. There are also valuable metals and gems and jewels. Diamonds, gold, emeralds, iron, steel, and copper.

Renewable resources such as water can be renewed. Plants are also renewable because if you were to pluck a flower then it would grow back if you planted another seed. Non-renewable can not be renewed. For instance, diamonds, there is a limited amount of diamonds on Earth.

These are renewable and non-renewable resources, the flower/plant is renewable and the gold/metal is not renewable.