Unit 3 - Global Social Challenges


Dec 20th - 3.6 - Globalization - Non-Economic Aspects

D2. Globalization: assess the impact of globalization on individuals and groups; D3. Exploitation: analyse the impact of unfair or unjust exploitation of people or resources, locally and globally.
D2.1 explain various types of arrangements between governments and transnational corporations, including the reasons for such arrangements, and describe their impact on developing nations (e.g., the impact of outsourcing of labour, tariff-free zones, maquilas, lax environ mental standards, the privatization of water) D2.2 describe the roles of various transnational organizations (e.g., the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization) and assess their effective ness in carrying out their respective mandates D3.1 describe the effects of unfair exploitation (e.g., black market sales, human trafficking, the drug trade, human rights violations, use of child labour, expropriation of land) on individuals and groupsD3.3 identify environmental changes that have resulted from the unchecked exploitation of fossil-fuel resources (e.g., environmental degrada tion, climate change), and assess the impact of these changes on the well-being of Canadians

Dec 20th

Resource 1 - 3.6 - Globalization - Non-Economic Aspects

1,2, 4, 5

Dec 21st

Complete 301 to 306. Don't worry about the reflection questions. Begin the assignment found above.

or here...

Unit 3 - Globalisation Assignment - CLICK HERE

Dec 14th - 15th - 3.5 - Globalization: Economic Globalization, Influences, Canadian Perspective

D2. Globalization: assess the impact of globalization on individuals and groups;

D2.1 explain various types of arrangements between governments and transnational corporations, including the reasons for such arrangements, and describe their impact on developing nations (e.g., the impact of outsourcing of labour, tariff-free zones, maquilas, lax environmental standards, the privatization of water)

D2.2 describe the roles of various transnational organizations (e.g., the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization) and assess their effectiveness in carrying out their respective mandates

D2.3 summarize the impact (e.g., economic, social, environmental) of globalization on Canadian society

Dec 14th - 3.5 - Globalization - Economic

3.5 - Globalization - Economic Overview

Questions 1,2, 3 page 283

3.5 - Globalization - Labour and Entities

Page 297 - 1, 2, 3

Globalization - The Up Side

Globalization - Good or Bad?

Dec 12th, 13th - Poverty, Literacy, and Addressing Human Rights - 3.3 and 3.4

D1. Global Inequalities: demonstrate an understanding of how various social structures and conditions support or limit global inequalities;

D1.1 describe the key provisions of various provincial, national, and international agree ments for addressing human rights issues (e.g., the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Geneva Conventions, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child)

D1.3 summarize the statistics on literacy rates nationally and internationally, and assess the impact of low literacy levels on the standard of living of individuals and groups

D1.4 explain how various socio-economic conditions (e.g., inter national competition, prejudice, unfavourable economic conditions, military occupation/rule) and structures (e.g., the welfare system, public health and education, non-profit social service organizations) operate to increase, entrench, or alleviate poverty

Dec 12th - 3.3 - Poverty and Literacy

Student Reading/Questions - Up to Poverty on a Global Scale

Questions 1 and 2

Dec 13th - 3.4 - Provisions Addressing Human Rights and Alleviating Poverty

Dec 8th-9th - Unit 3 - GLOBAL INEQUALITIES - 3.1 and 3.2

D1. Global Inequalities: demonstrate an understanding of how various social structures and conditions support or limit global inequalities;

D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of various types of discrimination (e.g., racism, homophobia, ageism, sexism, hate crimes, individual discrimination, systemic discrimination, genocide) and their impact on individuals and groups

D1.4 explain how various socio-economic conditions (e.g., international competition, prejudice, unfavourable economic conditions, military occupation/rule) and structures (e.g., the welfare system, public health and education, non-profit social service organizations) operate to increase, entrench, or alleviate poverty

December 8th - Day 1 - Social Stratification - Systemic

Student Task - Complete Questions - 1,2 3.

December 9th - Day 2 - Social Inequality

Questions 1, 2, 3