Business Process Improvement

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Redefining Remote Work Through Process Optimization (4/8/2024)

Imagine waking up to find that your commute has been replaced by a stroll down the hallway. This scenario was a reality for millions virtuall overnight as the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to embrace remote work. However, as the initial chaos subsides, a new question emerges: what's next? I think we are living in the "what next" phase of the pandemic.

In March 2020, businesses scrambled to adapt to remote work, grappling with technical challenges, communication barriers, and the sudden shift in workplace dynamics. The lockdown placed many companies in what I thought was two camps. The first was "we have to get back to the office or we will never be effective again." The second was the "we have never seen such work-life balance and happy workers so we are remote-first from now on." At least, that is what I thought.

I have come to realize that there still exists the third class of company that thinks "we are remote and that isn't bad, but I really feel like we could be better or I need to bring everyone back in." These are the companies I am looking to help. Specializing in remote work optimization, I've had firsthand experience guiding companies through the maze of remote work challenges. With a background in process improvement and a passion for leveraging technology, I've witnessed the transformative power of streamlining workflows - particularly in virtual environments.

So many entered the lockdown with urgency they never took time to consider what processes needed to change and how they could be better virtually. They may want to embrace the change, but they aren't sure. To thrive in the remote work era, companies must prioritize process optimization. Start by identifying manual tasks that can be automated, such as invoice management. 

In our personal lives, we have largely moved to electronic billing for so many things our mailboxes are full of advertisements and political ads only. However, many businesses still get a paper invoice for things that can likely be done online. Stuck in a paper-first mentality leads to a legitimate need for someone to come to an office to get the mail, sort through the important (and unimportant) items, and make sure it gets where it needs to go. This process improvement opportunity begins with getting as much as possible electronic. Reaching out to vendors and suppliers is sometimes "so easy an intern can do it." (The words of a past client.) From there, the routing of approvals and reviews is driven by a well-documented and sometimes automated process through a software-of-choice (purpose-built like or all-encompassing yet specific like Integrify). Transitioning from paper-based to electronic billing systems not only reduces administrative overhead but also lays the groundwork for seamless remote collaboration.

While some may view remote work with skepticism, citing concerns about productivity and team cohesion, the past couple of years have debunked many of these myths. With the right tools and processes in place, remote teams can achieve levels of efficiency and innovation previously thought unattainable. The 'what next' phase of the pandemic presents a unique opportunity for companies to reimagine their approach to work. By embracing and investing in process optimization, organizations can not only weather the challenges of today but also thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of tomorrow.

-Marty Herbert

Procurement Fire-Eating Act (2/26/2024)

Published on my partner's site: Integrify

Juggling Efficiency with Workflow Automation (2/20/2024)

If you've ever been to a circus, you know the kinds of performances that need to happen in just the right way to make the show a success. Much like a skilled circus performer keeping multiple balls in the air, businesses can achieve process mastery in their operations by seamlessly juggling the intricacies of efficiency and precision with the aid of streamlined workflow automation.

Just like the circus unfolding under the tent of the big top, the business world operates in a complex landscape with multiple tasks, processes, and objectives. Each of these compete for the attention of process stakeholders. In the center ring of the circus is the focus of operational management where efficiency, accuracy, and speed perform. The circus, with its various acts and performers, mirrors the diversity of tasks within an organization, each requiring attention and coordination. To navigate this circus of operations, businesses must be visionary ringmasters to ensure everything goes to plan and becomes a seamless and awe-inspiring show.

In the circus, the juggler keeps her bowling pins in motion constantly, catching one and passing the other to keep the order of objects moving. Similarly, business processes need something that will handle the ebbs and flows of tasks. Workflow automation tools like Integrify take center stage and take on the role of expertly managing each task to ensure continuous juggling of every operational element. Just like an expert juggler constantly calculating and understanding the weight, trajectory, and timing of each toss, workflow tools like Integrify can comprehend the nuances of business processes. However, the tool is only part of the show, it is the business process developer from HI&I who can make the different objects stay in harmony and enable organizations to achieve a level of efficiency that dazzles every stakeholder along the way.

A skilled juggler must not only keep objects in the air but also prioritize their movements. Similarly, businesses streamlining operations must also juggle the priorities of efficiency and accuracy. Workflow automation recognizes the importance of each task and allocates resources accordingly. Whether by sending notifications to stakeholders in a process or by managing the number of approvals necessary to gain buy-in through a project authorization, automation tools keep all the balls in the air at once. By maintaining the balance between speed and precision, these tools ensure that the operational performance remains both impressive and error-free. Every process runs the same way every time it is initialized and does exactly what needs to be done to captivate the audience with a seamless juggling act.

When a business finally seems to have all the right moves in all the right sequence, innovation is thrown into the mix. Innovation serves to add more balls to the juggling routine. Like the juggler who elevates the performance through adding more and more elements, objects, and danger, businesses can enhance their streamlined operations through innovative solutions. Workflow automation embraces new technologies and methodologies through connecting to disparate systems, driving proactive decisions instead of reactive responses, and incorporating the policies and best-practices of the company. Human-centered design is at the forefront with Integrify and businesses can infuse innovation into their operations with it running in their back office. All the while, the system will continue to create return on investment that pushes the boundaries of efficiency within core processes.

As the grand curtain falls, businesses are left with a crucial encore – the integration of cutting-edge tools like Integrify. Just as the master juggler and ringmaster rely on precision and skill, Integrify serves as the powerhouse that propels your business processes into a league of their own. At Herbert Insights & Innovations, we stand ready to be your guide in this circus of operational excellence. Wherever you are stepping into the big top, our team is dedicated to helping you define, build, and refine your business processes. Let the applause ring through the air as your organization, equipped with the mastery of streamlined processes and the power of Integrify, takes a bow on the stage of unparalleled success. Step right up, and let's create a performance worth remembering!

-Marty Herbert