Important Info

Mrs. Smith, our CTES art teacher, is collecting toilet tissue cylinders to be used by the children to make dragon puppets, based on her China Unit. She needs 750 total for the kid in grades 2-5 to have enough for their art projects. Thanks for sending them in the bookbags and having the kids drop them in the box outside of the art room door. We appreciate your support of our art program!

Winter After School Enrichment Classes

Holiday Blanket for St. Jude's Hospital

Oh the fun we had making fleece blankets for the children at St. Jude's Hospital. It has always been a dream of mine to donate blankets made with love to St. Jude's as it holds a very special place in my heart!

Thank you letter from St. Jude's Hospital!

Winter Break Countdown Spirit Week

SCA Spirit Week Dec. 9 – 13

Mustache Monday

Twisted Tuesday (teachers dress like students/students like teachers)

Wicked Wednesday - Heroes and Villains (Are you a hero or a villain? You decide and dress like your favorite hero or your favorite villain)

Throwback Thursday (Dress in your favorite decade)

Footie Friday (Wear your favorite PJs)

2019 Turkey Queen is so thankful to all her students who donated canned foods daily for our food drive. We had a total of 451 and the school brought in over 4,000!!!! That is absolutely amazing and the students should feel so good with how many families they are feeding with this good deed!!!!

Historic Jamestown Field Trip

Monday, November 25th

**Students and chaperones need to arrive at school between 7:15 and 7:25 am!!**

****We have to leave on time to get there for our program start time!!!!****

What Should I Bring?

A small backpack for jackets, umbrella, etc.


Snacks (2: 1 for the morning and 1 for the afternoon)

Water/Drinks (NO SODA!!!)

No electronics or phones.

Money for gift shops

*Students will be allowed to go to the gift shop during lunch. They will go with their assigned chaperone. Each child is responsible for keeping up with all items they bring (including money). No “play” weapons, guns, knives, bow and arrows may be purchased in the gift shop (school rules still apply).

What Should I Wear?

All 4th graders should dress appropriately, depending on temperature (looks like 55 degrees) and weather (sunny), including their class t-shirt for the trip. Comfortable shoes (There will be lots of walking today). You may wear a hat and sunglasses.

We will be returning to school on time so students will take their normal route home.

Hello CTES families,

On Tuesday, November 26th we will be having our annual Turkey Trot. This is a fun run for all students to participate in during the morning of the 26th. Our K-2 students will be running from 9:15-9:45 AM and our 3-5 students will be running from 10:00-10:30 AM.

I will be setting up a cross country (running) course on school grounds for students to run for 30 minutes. The course will be marked off with flags, signs and cones to help students know where to run. There will be many adults there helping students to stay on the course. If you are interested in volunteering for our Turkey Trot please click on the link below to read more and to sign up!

Thank you to all of you who will volunteer and help make this event a fun one for our students.

Tyler LeClair

Health and Physical Education Teacher

**We have 69%, 18 out of 26 families who have joined. I would love to have 100% and be the second class in the school to have full participation with PTA membership!!!!*

PTA Membership and Cub Club Donation Drive continues …. We’ve announced our Bronze Grade-Level Winners: 3rd grade for highest PTA memberships and donations, 1st grade for best improvement in PTA memberships since we started our contest and 4th grade for best improvement in Direct donations – way to go!!!

The winning grade(s) for each ceremony will receive a “special treat” with Mr. Schatz. We will be announcing our Silver Grade-Level Winners around Thanksgiving break. Our Gold Grade-Level Winners will be announced when we return from winter break. And for the grand finale... the Carry-The-Torch prize will be announced in the Spring and these winners will receive a Pizza/Popsicle/Dance party with Mr. Schatz. What a race!!!

So if you have not joined the PTA or made a donation to the Cub Club, please consider doing so to help your student’s class get closer to a winning ceremony! It’s going to be a tight finish!! Join and Donate here at

September 10th, 2019

Good morning CTES Families!

Welcome back! My name is Tyler LeClair and I am your student’s Health and PE Teacher. I wanted to take a second and explain a couple things that may have changed in PE this year! First off, I am excited to introduce Paige Honbarrier who is the new full time PE assistant this year. Paige and I will be teaching all classes together, all year long! Your student will have PE twice per week for 40 minutes each time. Our curriculum is packed full of academic health content including nutrition, bones and muscles, hearth health, the five components of fitness and much more! We will also be learning a lot from the Fitness, Motor Skill Development and Social and Emotional/Safety domains of Physical Education. Your students will call me Coach or Coach LeClair and they will call Paige, Ms. Paige (her last name is a tough one).

I also wanted to send a couple of our goals/expectations this year so you know them along with your students:

-Students are expected to wear proper attire during their PE days. This includes PE shoes (comfortable shoes that tie, Velcro and stay on the feet while running and exercising). This is a safety issue in our class. Crocs, boots, flip flops, sandals and dress shoes are examples of footwear that would not be considered safe on PE days. Also, comfortable clothes (according to the dress code), so your child can move safely and comfortably in the gym. Dresses, while very pretty, are not ideal on PE days.

-Students are expected to participate in PE class to the best of their ability unless they have a doctor’s note preventing them from doing so.

-Students are expected to be polite and respectful to each other while in PE class. The PE environment is that of a safe, welcoming place where everyone learns teamwork and how to play together the right way.

**If, for some reason, students are not acting according to these goals we just ask that they sit out for a little bit. It’s our way of giving them a breather, letting them collect themselves and returning to the game when they are ready to participate safely.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to invite everyone to register for the Regency Mile (formerly known as the Shot Pump Mile). Our school has done very well with participation in the past! The top schools, according to participation, will receive a cash reward to be spent on new PE equipment! The event is definitely not mandatory, but students who attend usually have a great time! It is a very cool event. I’ll be talking about it in class leading up to the event on October 27th. The link for more information is below.

Thank you! Ms. Paige and I look forward to a great year! If you ever have any questions about our Health and PE program please feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Tyler LeClair