Scholastic Book Club

Scholastic book orders are a great way to get quality literature at a reasonable price! The classroom also gets points toward books for our classroom!

Feel free to go on the scholastic site and start shopping!

How Do I Order?

Class Code - NG9PY

Dear Families,

Did you know? Kids who read for just 20 minutes a day are more successful in school and life. Ordering from Scholastic Book Clubs is an easy way to find the best books that are just right for your child’s grade and interests.

Here’s how:

Choose books with your child online at:

To order online, connect to our class using our Class Code (or look me up by our school name): NG9PY

As soon as your order is delivered to our classroom, I will contact you to make arrangements to retrieve your books.

Plus every order you place earns FREE Books for our class to share.

Thank you for your support and happy reading,

Mrs. Buchanan