String Instrument Selection

Parents & Guardians check out this page for more information on instrument selection

This website will help guide you into choosing the best instrument for you!
After you watch the above video, follow the steps below:

#1 Dive-in and explore the instruments

Watch the videos on this page to see and hear the Violin Viola Cello and Bass

Bass may not be available during virtual learning for beginning students due to limited school instruments (priority goes to intermediate & advanced bass players to take home). HOWEVER, if you want to play bass, you will likely start on cello and when we return to in person learning, you will switch to bass, which is an easy transition! I also will accept beginning bass players who have access to their own bass guitar. Just know that you will switch to double bass when we return to the classroom.

#2 Take the 2 tests below and record your scores/answers

This test asks you to listen to a beat and tap along with it on your keyboard. The computer sound will slowly get quieter, but you'll keep tapping the beat in a steady way. This will test to see how close to the original beat you can stay!

This playlist has many different videos that are playing different tones. Some are low and some are high. Which tone sounds the most pleasant to you? Do you prefer lower tones or higher tones?

#3 Fill out these two forms