For Strings Students

Welcome back!

Welcome to Brookland Strings program! Intermediate and advanced strings will need their instruments and books for the 2nd week of school. Beginners just show up! We will spend the first few weeks trying and selecting instruments, learning the parts, and how to not break it! Wait to buy or rent an instrument until AFTER our 8/31 Virtual Parent Meeting. 

What to expect in 23/24?

-Discovery Concerts at the Richmond Symphony's Altria Theatre is back! November we will take a field trip to hear the symphony.

-Fiddle Fest for beginning strings! This one day event for all 1st year string students in the county where you will learn several songs, rehearse and perform. 

-End of the year assessment field trip to Kings Dominion. Last year (22/23) was to Hershey Park, so we are lowering the cost this year.

- All-County Orchestra is for select intermediate and advanced students. Brookland is given a certain number of seats/parts to fill and will select my top performers. You spend the day perfecting 4-5 pieces and performing it that evening with the best players from the county.

-Winter, Pre-Assessment, and Spring concerts are required. I hope to have concerts at Henrico High School's auditorium this year combining students from Brookland and Fairfield.

-Intermediate/Advanced students will participate in District Orchestra Assessment where we take a field trip and perform for 3 judges who rate our performance with feedback. 

Check out this terrific site on the benefits of orchestra. It's also a great way to convince your family.

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