Experiences & Community Building

The Academy  Community

Whether it is returning Alumni surprising their family, exploring the outside world, being a part of extracurricular activities, or building friendships and experiences as a group, community is one of the founding principles of the Academy.  These are some snippets from throughout the years of how we've come together as a community. 

Past Events and Experiences

Distance Learning, 2020

The Academy sent a message to students during our first week of Distance Learning to show our support, help them prepare, and provide a positive message about how to move forward. 

Online Learning.MP4
Poster - Academy Spring Cleanup.pdf

Academy Spring Cleanup

The Academy is looking forward to helping the Hendrick Hudson community on April 3rd.  We are organizing a spring cleanup to help local seniors around the outside of their homes.  The Academy students are happy to complete outdoor yard work such as planting flowers, raking leaves, weeding gardens, or other outdoor tasks.  If you know anyone in need please have them fill out and mail in the form below.

Flyer - Academy Spring Cleanup.pdf
Ocean Odyssey.MOV

National Geographic: Ocean Odyssey

The Academy travelled to New York City  and experienced National Geographic's Ocean Odyssey in Times Square. We explored interactive exhibits that recreated the ocean floor, and learned about ecological conservancy. 

Boundless Adventure

The Academy experienced collaborative problem solving and team building on our trip to Boundless Adventure at SUNY Purchase. By pushing our mental and physical limits, we challenged our concept of what we are capable of accomplishing.  Listen for reflections by students and teachers!

Boundless Adventure Final Cut

Community Service: SPCA 

The Academy ran double duty during our community service event for 2019. Students worked in teams in two locations; helping to train, care for, and familiarize animals that have faced trauma, while also creating toys at the Academy for dogs and cats. Teams switched out halfway through the day to ensure everyone had a chance to contribute in each way. 

Pictures Throughout the Years