Be Part of the Band
Interested in joining band?
Not sure which instrument is right for you?
Whether you are a new musician or a returning player,
You've come to the right place!
Welcome 4th and 5th grade students and parents!
I'm so glad you are considering being part of the band. Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most interesting, challenging and fun things you can do. I'm excited to help you start your journey.
Mr. Fults - Cawston and Winchester Band Teacher
Welcome to Band
Step 1. Choose an instrument
Which instrument should you play? You should choose the instrument that most interests you. Pick the one that you will practice!
Listen to the demonstrations of each instrument below to find out which instrument you would like to play.
How to Pick an instrument
Alto Saxophone
Percussion (We will learn both the snare drum and the bells)
Violin (No beginning violin this year. Returning players only)
Step 2. Understand the band expectations.
STUDENTS, please watch the 1 minute video below.
The letter explains how to get an instrument and how band works. Click below to view the parent letter.
Information for Parents (English) Información para Padres (Español)