using dyslexia screeners to identify at-risk students

The Texas Education Agency requires all Texas kindergartners enrolled in public or charter schools to be screened for dyslexia at the end of kinder and middle of first-grade so weaknesses can be addressed as early as possible. In HEB ISD, we provide daily intervention to all elementary students in every grade level. Based on screening and CBA data, students join groups where they can work on the skills that have the most impact for them. At the secondary level, students are scheduled into instructional classes based on the results of STAAR assessments for the same purposes. For some students, this extra instruction is all they need to close the learning gaps. Others may need more intensive instruction with a specialist. Grade level teams monitor this data closely throughout the year and may recommend a formal evaluation for dyslexia or other learning disabilities to determine how to better meet the needs of your child.

Dyslexia in texas

Historically, Texas has utilized both general education and special education pathways to evaluate for dyslexia. The general education evaluation under Section 504 is a focused evaluation looking only for the characteristics of dyslexia. In comparison, the Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) under Special Education includes all areas of cognitive and achievement and is more likely to detect multiple learning disabilities.

Because of the dual pathway, some students with dyslexia are on a 504 Plan, and some are on an IEP Plan. Both plans allow students to access dyslexia services and receive accommodations.

In 2021, Texas consolidated both evaluation options into one, utilizing the more comprehensive FIE. The FIE is conducted by Special Education professionals trained to identify learning disabilities. The FIE is only an assessment used to identify educational needs and supports for each child where a disability is suspected. If educational needs are identified, the assessment team (or ARD committee) will work together with parents\guardians to develop an appropriate plan.

characteristics of dyslexia

  • trouble learning to rhyme

  • trouble learning to blend, segment and manipulate sounds

  • trouble learning letters and sounds

  • trouble decoding words

  • trouble recognizing sight words

  • trouble spelling both how words sound and with spelling rules

  • trouble acquiring new vocabulary

  • trouble reading with speed and accuracy

  • trouble with comprehension because of poor word reading skills

Evaluation Timelines

Assessment personnel will complete your child's evaluation within 45 school days. Within thirty calendar days, you will be invited to meet with the assessment team to review results and assist in developing an educational plan. It may be useful to review the TEA ARD Guide and the TEA Parent Guide to STAAR Accommodations booklets under the Dyslexia Resources on this site before your meeting.

requesting an evaluation for an enrolled student

If you suspect your child is exhibiting characteristics of dyslexia, you have the right to request an evaluation. Contact your campus counselor for next steps.