Become a Canvas Observer

While not all assignments are assigned through Canvas, I maintain a sheet in the student modules that list all of the assignments students are given, where the assignment is located and when they are due.  There is also a column that indicates the last date the assignment can be turned in for a late grade.   Canvas is also where I post my daily agenda that list the student's learning objectives and the assignments for class that day.  By becoming a Canvas Observer you can see the agendas, assignments and assignment due dates.

Canvas Parent Information .pdf

View Your Student's Grades in HAC

If you have not signed up for HAC I encourage you to do so.  I usually update grades once a week so that students and parents can track their progress.   Information on signing up for HAC can be obtained from the school counseling office.  Below is a reference for the various grade indicators you will see in my gradebook:

Join Remind

All students and parents were added to the school remind account this year.   Parents were sent an invitation to join the remind account for their student's classes.   If you used the Remind app for your student last year you are already signed up.  You just need to open your app and accept the new class.  If you did not use remind last year, just download the app and sign up.  Then use your student's class period join code to sign in and receive messages from your student's teachers.  Below are the join codes for all of the BIM classes this year.

1st Period 8th Grade - 82ddbhfe3e

3rd Period 8th Grade  - b3f2g9ge2k

5th Period 8th Grade - g2e6ad33hb

6th Period 8th Grade - 6a32hg3kf3

1st Period 9th Grade - 6973d42gfa

3rd Period 9th Grade - a728298kc6

5th Period 9th Grade - khggf222ck

6th Period 9th Grade - 8a372k46h7


It's A Digital World for BIM

All students at BJH were provided with a Chromebook as their school device.  This class concentrates on learning the Microsoft Office software programs therefore some assignments assigned in BIM cannot be completed on these devices.  Sufficient class time is always given to students to finish the Microsoft assignments but if student fall behind they can attend tutorials to complete their assignments.  I include longer due dates on these assignments in order for students to work tutorials into their schedules.  For the most part assignments in Canvas can be completed on their Chromebooks while the SAM assignments are mostly assignments to be completed on the classroom PCs.

Types of Assignments on Canvas

Types of Assignments in SAM