Curriculum Management

Counselors or Work Teams,

Submit New Lesson Plans Here!

Process for Submitting New Lesson Plans for Review:

  1. Lesson Plan must use the new ASCA 4th Edition Template .
  2. Label the new folder AND the lesson plan with the Topic.Grade.Resource type (Example: Study Skills.6.prepost)
  3. Submit lessons for review via the Google Form for Lesson submission (this link or the button above)
      • Please submit all supporting documents for lesson plan at the same time (power points, resources, pre/post assessments, lesson plans, etc.)
  4. AND send email to Sarah Metzler or Amanda Culhan saying you have submitted a lesson
    1. Once the material has been peer-reviewed and approved the label status will change to: Topic.Grade.Approved and it will be added to the folders on the Shared Drive.

Curriculum Management Team Process: (For CMT only)

  1. Sarah and Amanda will check in on submitted content from the forms (in the Submitted Lessons Folder ), and add these to the Tracking lessons for Review document.
  2. Two Reviewers will be assigned - Reviewer # 1 and Reviewer #2
    1. Reviewer #1 will be the lead, and complete review first, passing it on to Reviewer 2 for a second/final check
    2. Only 1 reviewer assigned if the submission is coming from one of the CMT members
  3. Reviewers complete review of documents, adding missing content (if easily done), or send back to creator with comments of what is needed to ensure quality lesson and delivery.
  4. Once reviewer feels the content meets ASCA requirements and has all needed components, the labels on the folders/documents are changed to APPROVED. (Ex:Topic.Grade.Approved)
  5. Sign off on the Tracking document, and move all documents to correct folder in the CCCEC Shared Drive.

*If you are not the owner of these documents, you’ll need to make copies and check that hyperlinks between the

documents are accurate once in the Shared Drive.

6. Link the documents/Folders into the Core Curriculum Action Plan