Parts of the Screen

    • Title Bar: Take note of the naming convention for files indicated by your teacher. Naming files by the creation date is not helpful. Choose names that describe the output or assignment name.

    • Toolbar: Contains shortcuts to common commands found in the Windows menu bar.

    • Tabs: Tab between open sketches.

    • Text Editor: Type your code here. Notice how commands turn orange.

    • Message Area: You will see error messages that are generated when the program will not compile.

    • The println command will send messages from your program to this area. This can be helpful when debugging your code (see 46).


// will print the value of "yourVariable" to the Console

println("The value of your variable is" + yourVariable)

// will print the following to the console:

The value of your variable is 5.0

- assuming that the variable value is 5.0 at that moment.