Share Inquiry Stage
Reflective Questions
What have I learned about my topic?
How has my thinking changed?
What new perspectives have I gained? How can I express these new views to others?
How does my information relate to my identity (e.g., values, attitudes and beliefs)?
What form of communication will allow me to effectively and clearly explain my findings/learning?
Possible Actions
Discuss ideas and conclusions with peers and/or teachers.
Articulate and share new learning (e.g., discussion circle, slide show, infographic).
Identify new questions and wonderings.
Share Inquiry Stage
Reflective Questions
Did I consult the success criteria?
Do I have enough information on my topic?
What knowledge did I gain from this inquiry?
If I explored this topic again, what would I do differently?
What do I want to learn more about?
What questions do I still have?
What are my next steps?
Possible Actions
Make connections between your prior knowledge and new learning.
Think about ways to apply your new learning.
Discuss your what, how, and why your learning happened with your teacher and/or peers.
Celebrate your learning journey.
Share Inquiry Stage
Reflective Questions
How can I use/apply this learning in real-life?
What actions can I take based on my learning?
What areas need further exploration?
Possible Actions
Generate new questions.
Consider how to take action in relation to your inquiry.
Promote shift in perspectives/point of view.