Welcome to the blurb! Here, you will find a very brief insight into what happened in our class...or not. I'll updated it when there are things to say.

3-D Figures

May 6, 2022

We've been exploring through 3-D figures both in math and in art! Working through problems involving surface area and volume using formulas, but also learning to refine our fine motor skills while mixing clay to create colours and shapes we want. It's not all easy, but it's giving us more opportunities to learn and grow!

Leaders in Our Community

April 27, 2022

This past month we've had the priviledge to hear from Eric Smith (sportscaster) and Nav Bhatia (superfan) of the Raptors! Both shared their experiences on doing what they love, in our communities, and inspired us to take care of each other and work towards our goals. Thanks to them both!

Our 'Egg'cellent Experiement

March 28, 2022

We started our diffusion experiement in science today! We're going to see how diffusion (particularily osmosis) works on a concentration gradient; we'll see if we can manipulate the passive transport! It should be "egg"cellent!

Geometric Reasoning

March 23, 2022

It's good to be back in the building after our March Break. We've started to work on our geometric reasoning in math! This week we worked on how to carefully measure angles, draw shapes, and give concrete reasons for shapes being similar or not!

Representation Matters

March 9, 2022

With Black history month and International Women's Day behind us, it's good to remember that we still got work to do. We don't want to limit our representation and celebration of people to just one day or one month. We want it to be a part of our everyday, and to do that, we want to ensure more equity and inclusivity in our community — every day. So here's a board by our class, put together by us, to help us remember the work we've got to do!


March 7, 2022

We're continuing to work on understanding cells! We've had a chance to talk through how to use a microscope, and how to prepare dry mount and wet mount slides. It's about seeing the small things in life....

Gettin' Back into the Groove

February 3, 2022

It's been a cold few days here! With the shorter weeks, we're still getting back into our daily routines. We've been working on new literacy stations, fraction operations, and learning about different ways quality of life is measure throughout the world. We're very fortunate to live in a place where we have access to many priviledges!

Welcome Back!

January 17, 2022

Welcome back to (in-person) school! It's great to see the students back together and learning together; whether that's the academics or other interesting facts like what they had for dinner last night. We're just grateful to have the space back to be learning in-person after a whole month away!

Winter Break!

December 17, 2021

We had our annual holiday sing-along in our cohorts! A big thanks to Mr. Pavlovsky for leading us through it all.

Have a well-deserved winter break!

Exploration in Art

December 16, 2021

We've been working through hands-on exploration in art! Today we exlpored fundamental skills in cooking; from making dumpling wrapers to kneading some dough! Mixing liquids and solids to get the perfect consistency and density is definitely a work of art :)

Water Filtration

November 30, 2021

We are building our very own water filration device! All around the world, people are coming up with creative ways to live more sustainably and find ways to protect, reuse, and recycle our precious resource: water! This looks slightly messy, but that's what it looks like when creative minds are at work!

Student-Led Conferences

November 25 - 26, 2021

"What's happening each day while the students are at these desks?"

It's been great to see our students share their thoughts and reflection at our annual conference. It has also been great to "meet" many of our team members (i.e., families) who support the learning that happens here at school. Thanks to everyone who made the time to be a part of the conference!

Collecting Water

November 18, 2021

We spent the last month collecting rainwater! At first, lots of people wondered if we'd ever be able to collect enough water to complete the assignment. However, with different classmates sharing ideas and talking about it, many came up with creative ways to collect rainwater for our purposes. It was great to have this experience and become more aware of how many people in the world may feel when they lack access to freshwater like we do here at school.

Integers Outside

October 20, 2021

We've been working on our integer operations. To change things up from being inside, we went outside with chalk and worked on it there! Curating questions and answering another group's question was a good experience; both a positive and a negative experience....😂

Terry Fox Run

October 7, 2021

We had our Terry Fox Run today! It was great to see all of our students #tryliketerry and walk/run throughout our time. It was a good reminder for all of us to keep working towards our goals in all that we do. Thank you to those who donated to the cause!

Cultivating a Culture

September 24, 2021

We (as a class) have been working towards cultivating a classroom culture that is uplifting, encouraging, welcoming, and supportive. As we prepare for a few new students to join our class, we were able to use some creativity (which we're also trying to foster more of) to practice hospitality! It has been great to see our students find more ways to create a class environment that they can champion and be proud of.

Cross Country

September 24, 2021

Thanks to dedicated teachers here at AVPS, we had our in-school cross country meet! It was great to see many of our students choosing to be active outside; safely and distanced as a cohort. It was also great to see our classmates cheering on and encouraging those who ran the race.

Getting Into Routine

September 15, 2021

It's been a great couple of days getting into the routine of things! We've been spending each day completing activities together; to cultivate a safe learning environment for everyone. It's been great to see so many of the students getting out of their comfort zones to take risks in their learning!

School's Back!

September 7, 2021

We're back to in-person, in school! After all the closures the last two school years, what a great reminder of how blessed we are to have this school. If you have any questions or wanting to chat, feel free to contact Mr. Fukushima!

*May be (on average) weekly. It could also be longer or shorter.