
How do I contact the teachers?

You can email them or call the school at 905 332 4206. Please refer to "The Teachers" section for the names of each teacher.

Where can I find more information for Alton Village P.S.?

Click here. It will take you to the AVPS website.

Do we havePhys. Ed.? When is it?

Yes. Our class has Phys. Ed. on Thursdays and Fridays.

When is graduation?

June 24th!

Do we need to wear a mask at school?

This is now optional, per government regulations.

Are we using instruments this year for music?

Yes! We have a few instruments available to use this year.

Are we using Google Classroom?

Yes, we have a Google Classroom set up for this class to support our learning. Some work will be assigned on the Google Classroom.

Will there be extra curriculars (e.g., clubs, teams) this year?

That's the plan as of now. As things (may or may not) change, we'll keep you posted.

Are there any high school information available?

Yes. Please check the "High School" section of the website.

Is Lebron the G.O.A.T.?
