
Kodable is a fun and engaging way to get kids thinking programmatically from a young age. With our students growing up in the age of artificial intelligence, it's important for us to prepare them for occupations where sequential thinking and logic will be essential.

Kodable helps in this pursuit by presenting students with a series of colorful game worlds where code makes things happen. Students as young as kindergarten explore concepts like cause and effect, comparison and sequencing.


Accessing Kodable is a cinch. On whatever device your students use, just open up Clever and tap the Kodable icon. Your students should be logged in instantly.

Teachers can access Kodable in exactly the same way. Just log into your Clever account and click the Kodable icon.


The balance of the experience students will have with Kodable will happen within the engaging and colorful game worlds Kodable has created as their instructional framework. While some apps and services restrict the ability of the teacher to see "the student view," Kodable does not.

At any time, you can click the Student View link from the menu in the teacher dashboard to open a playable demo of each and every lesson and activity available to your students in Kodable.

This is a great opportunity for you to simultaneously gain of a better understanding of how navigation will work for students and learn a bit about coding and programmatic thinking yourself.

Teacher superpowers

Kodable wouldn't be nearly as great without all of the tools it gives you to customize the experience your students have while learning.

Each and every lesson track can be modified to include only activities you think your students are ready for. Within the Teacher Dashboard, teachers can see the courses students will complete on their journey, and edit their assignments with a couple clicks.

Teachers can also keep track of student progress with simple reporting tools, and a tab just for viewing creations your students make within the app.


The Kodable Lesson Library features a compendium of lessons organized by grade level, along with some simple explainer videos for teachers to help them navigate.

Clicking Videos in the Kodable dashboard opens a library of videos on coding concepts that you can share with your students (and are great for you to learn from).

The Kodable Blog has frequent updates about new features and cool ideas

Also, Kodable has a library of printable resources that I've collected in a Google Drive folder for your easy access: Kodable Printables