Live Google Meet Procedures

Live Google Meets and/or recording of instruction will focus on the direct instruction. The following procedures will be implemented to ensure student privacy.

  • Instruction will be conducted both synchronous and asynchronous.

  • The teacher will use district-provided technology and designate Google Classroom for live or recorded instruction.

  • Consideration for the placement of camera and teacher computer will be conducive to live or recorded instruction while respecting student privacy.

  • Teachers will utilize Google Meets to limit access to only those assigned to the class. Exception will be Speech Pathologists who will be using Zoom.

  • Teachers will ensure that students and their families are aware of their responsibilities and district procedures regarding the use of technology and virtual learning.

  • Teachers will provide instructions as to how student work should be saved and graded.

  • The district will provide contacts to assist educators with technology and other distance education issues.

  • As long as an educator is not disclosing personally identifiable information (PII) from a student’s education record during instruction or making a specific student the focus of the video and maintaining a record, FERPA will not be implicated.

  • Teachers will post a daily agenda so classroom students are aware when live Google Meets will take place.

  • Special education services will not be recorded but can be live streamed for elearners to access during service times.

Educators engaging in any form of online instruction should conduct themselves professionally, just as they would in face-to-face instruction, including:

  • Not leaving a virtual session/classroom while it is in session.

  • Using professional language and conduct in virtual classrooms, face-to-face instruction that is streamed or recorded, and in email and other online communications.

  • Wearing appropriate attire.

  • Ensuring the background and surroundings that can be viewed online or in a recording contain nothing inappropriate or personal that could be viewed by others.

  • Conducting themselves as if a classroom observer is present.

  • Following district policies and directions, paying particular attention to those related to the use of online educational tools and resources, acceptable use, social media, and FERPA.

  • Following any district procedures that are developed related to distance learning.

  • Utilizing only district approved electronic platforms and tools.

  • Using good data security practices, including the use of strong passwords and a protected internet connection, and following district directions with regard to saving student work and/or records

Students engaging in any form of online instruction should conduct themselves just as they would in a face-to-face classroom, including:

  • Students will adhere to the student code of conduct that will prohibit students from sharing or posting videos, pictures, or copies of either student-generated or teacher work on social media, gaming networks, or elsewhere online. Proper attire and social etiquette will be part of the code of conduct.

  • Students will adhere to non-negotiables such as being present on-time for instruction, dress code as outlined in the student handbook, etc.