Comprehensive Educational Resources

Guide to Accessing Teachers’ Pages

Comprehensive Educational Resources (CER) is an educational consortium that currently serves nineteen school districts in Northeast Tennessee. CER is a collaboration between these nineteen districts and The Niswonger Foundation that reaches approximately 100,000 students. The mission of CER is to improve student achievement by providing the following key elements: common benchmark assessments, reporting, and pacing guides, data analysis, teacher created resources, and collaboration across our region. CER is governed by the superintendents of each participating district. A steering committee, comprised of one member of each participating district, provides guidance and support. The day-to-day operations are conducted by the director, Dr. Mia Hyde. For more information about CER, please contact You can access the public website at:

Two hundred teachers serve on 40 curriculum teams. There are curriculum teams for Kindergarten through high school for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Work on ELA will begin in the 2021-22 school year. The Math, Science, and Social Studies teams have been working through the summer, and will continue through this school year, to create and review materials for the consortium. These materials will be posted on the website throughout this school year.

To Access the Website and Teachers’ Pages:

1. Log into your district Google account

2. Go to:

3. Click on: Teachers’ Pages

4. Go to HOME at the top right corner and click on your content area

5. Use the arrow to click on your grade

6. Materials are listed by standard

Note: If you have trouble accessing the materials please contact Sheila Peters in the technology department to check on your account access.