get funding

The Collaborative supports the work of staff and faculty from the HCC community. Serving as the college’s central hub for Professional Development programming, employees are encouraged to reach out to the Collaborative with ideas relating to areas of interest that support their continued growth and learning. 


HCC is committed to providing opportunities for its employees to grow professionally, and has established a Professional Development Fund administered through the Collaborative. Proposals for professional development should be in alignment with faculty and staffs current role at the college. Showing the alignment with the proposed activity and the college's Strategic Plan is critical when submitting your application. Monies for the Fund are allotted monthly as available. The funds will be recommended for distribution by The Collaborative's Funding Council.

Apply here.

Seed grants

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a Seed Grant program for HCC staff and faculty, developed by the Learning Collaborative team with the generous support of Title III. 

The purpose of the Seed Grant is to offer funding for staff and faculty launching projects, initiatives, and opportunities related to:

Types of Initiatives Funded by the Seed Grant:

The full grant guidelines are available here. The Seed Grant program has a rolling deadline; applications are available here.

The Collaborative welcomes applications from across campus and encourages out-of-the-box thinking and collaborations. Do not feel constrained by this list!


The Funding Council meets monthly to review funding requests that have been made to the Collaborative. The Funding Council will include representatives from the college, and includes Camille Close, Adina Giannelli, Shakara Acoff and Klara Karol. If your funding request gets denied, there is an Appeals Committee, consisting of the Collaborative Director, a Dean, and a MCCC staff member. 

Funding Council members serve two-year, rotating staggered terms. This participation is considered college service. If you are interested in serving on this Council, please email The Learning Collaborative at