Standard 7: Professional Growth

The ESOL teacher engages in a continuous improvement process that includes ongoing reflection, self-assessment, goal setting, and high-quality professional development in order to gain greater teacher expertise, develop new instructional practices, increase learner engagement, and improve student outcomes. 

Standard 7: Professional Growth (document)

Follow the link below to access Standard 7: Professional Growth - supporting explanation, summary, and sample applications on the ACLS MA Professional Standards interactive webpage. 

Standard 7: ESOL Teachers' Professional Growth (video)

This brief introductory video focuses on the importance of developing a reflective practice that supports continuous improvement in the craft of teaching ESOL. It describes strategies to create reflective habits, practice self-assessment, set intentions through goal setting, and pursue professional development opportunities to keep learning and developing as an ESOL instructor of adults.  

Professional Growth PD

Evolve and Transform: Cultivating a Reflective ESOL Teaching Practice (Standard 7)  

Learn effective strategies to implement a continuous improvement process for your own professional growth.  This course explores the cultivation of a reflective teaching practice for professional growth. We will engage in online discussions and face-to-face sessions to practice multiple reflective activities. You will be able to apply what you learn to set professional development goals and create a professional development plan.  

Program Leadership Series: Workshops designed for program directors to implement effective and supportive leadership strategies.