Hayden Student Life Services  

Welcome to the Hayden Catholic High School Student Life Services Page!   The Hayden Counseling Department, the Hayden Support Services Team, and the Hayden Community System have come together to give you the Hayden Student Life Services to meet ALL the needs of students at Hayden Catholic High School.  We are excited to Join Forces!!  

Hayden Catholic High School Student Life Services provides resources to Grades 9-12 and consults with teachers, staff, parents, and administrators to enhance our effectiveness in helping students’ educational, career, personal, and social development.  




Jesica Farmer-Walter

Counselor  A-G 

Department Head


Judy Cucciniello

Support Services/Students with an IEP/504

Carrie Schmidt  

Student Life Advisor H-Q


Community System Director

Corrinne McGreevy

Counselor R-Z & A-Z Foreign Exchange, WU Tech/TCALC

College & Career

Where No Counsel Is

The People will Fall;

But in the MULTITUDE of Counselors

There Is SAFETY.

Proverbs 11:14