
Physical Education Standards - State Goal 19

STATE GOAL 19: Acquire movement and motor skills and understand concepts necessary to engage inmoderatetovigorousphysicalactivity.

Why This Goal Is Important: Performance of physical activities involves competency in a wide range of motor, non- motor, and manipulative skills. Learning in this area is developmental, building simple movements into more complex patterns. Learning to follow directions and rules enhances enjoyment and success in both recreational and competitive sports. Working toward higher levels of competence, students learn how to maintain health and fitness as individuals and as members of teams.

Illinois Physical Education Standards - State Goal 20

STATE GOAL 20: Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment.

Why This Goal Is Important: Regular physical activity is necessary to sustain physical fitness and health. Students need to apply training principles—frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT)—to achieve their personal fitness goals. Fitness expectations need to be established on an individual basis; realistic goals need to be based on the health- related and

skill-related components of fitness, including endurance, strength, flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, balance, agility, spatial awareness, power, reaction time, coordination and speed. By learning and applying these concepts, students can develop lifelong understanding and good habits for overall health and fitness.

Physical Education Standards - State Goal 21

STATE GOAL 21: Develop skills necessary to become a successful member of a team by working with others during physical activity.

Why This Goal Is Important: As members of teams, students need to fill the role of leader at times and participant at other times. Knowing how to follow procedures, accept leadership from others, participate actively, and lead when appropriate will serve the student on and off the playing field. Students need to know the elements of teamwork (communication, decision making, cooperation, leadership)and how to adjust individual needs to team needs. Students also need to be able to recognize each member's contributions, including their own.

Physical Education Standards - State Goal 24

STATE GOAL 24: Promote and enhance health and well-being through the use of effective communication and decision-making skills

Why This Goal Is Important: From an early age, students need to know how to communicate their health needs

and learn to take responsibility for their own health. They also need to know how and why personal decisions can affect their own health and well-being. Consideration for the needs of others becomes part of health promotion as well. Students who can clearly identify and communicate about health-related issues—and can make healthful personal decisions—will benefit as they grow and mature in school and in to responsible workers and citizens.