About Us

The Society for Environmental Engineers and Scientists (SEES) is an interdisciplinary environmental engineering student organization at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Our mission is to promote student interest within environmental engineering through design competitions, speaker events, and field trips. We bring in speakers from a variety of different companies and industries to learn more about careers that are offered within environmental engineering!

Meet our Executive Board!


Vice President


Anna Slominski

Hello! My name is Anna Slominski and I am fortunate to be President of SEES this semester. I have been on the SEES exec board as Vice President for three semesters and am excited to take on this new role within the club. I am a civil engineering major going through the coterminal program to get my master of engineering in transportation. Outside of school I am on the swim team at IIT, enjoy puzzles, and playing dungeons and dragons. I can’t wait for all the super fun speakers, events, and games we will have throughout the year! 

Emma Dutkiewicz

Hi I’m Emma Dutkiewicz and I am currently the vice president of SEES. I’m very excited for all of the events we have planned this semester but I am most excited for our social event with The Green Suite! I am a third year civil engineering student, and am getting my coterm degree in environmental engineering. I am a captain of the swim team at IIT, and also apart of the track and field team. Outside of IIT I enjoy hiking, backpacking, and gardening. I’m very excited for this semester and can’t wait to see this student org continue to grow! 

Genna Gaitan

Hi! My name is Genna Gaitan and I am the treasurer of SEES for this spring semester. I am incredibly excited to be on the executive board because I have always had an interest in environmental science. I am a civil engineering major with a minor in sustainability and hopefully will be going through the coterminal Master’s program in environmental engineering. When I’m not doing homework or studying, I enjoy exploring the city for new coffee joints, reading, and playing soccer with friends. Again, I am so excited to be a part of SEES and all of the wonderful events we have planned!

Public Relations Officer


Zoe Zylstra

Hello! My name is Zoe Zylstra and I am the new Public Relations Chair for SEES this semester! I am a first year architectural engineering major and this is my very first executive position in college! In my free time I really enjoy listening to music, gardening, and doing yoga. I am very excited to work with the other board members and get the word out about the super cool events we have planned this year!

Dulce Rivera

Hello! My name is Dulce Rivera and I am excited to serve on this executive board as the secretary. I am a first-year Civil Engineering student and I hope to do the co-terminal Master's Program for environmental engineering. In my free time, I enjoy painting, needle felting, and reading. When the weather permits, I like to play football, go hiking, and spend time with my puppy outside. I look forward to the amazing events planned for this semester!

Green Building Representative

Computer Science Representative

Jason Zhou

Hello my name is Jason Zhou and I am an Architectural Engineering, Specialization in Building Systems Engineering and Minor in Sustainability student from New Hampshire also planning to do the coterminal M.ENG. Architectural Engineering. I have been on the SEES exec board since October 2021 first serving as Major Representative and now the Green Buildings Rep. 

Besides SEES I’m on the exec board of the ASHRAE IIT Student Branch, a general body member of ASCE-IIT and a Gup (colored belt) of Fighting Hawk Tang Soo Do as well as personally a member of IBPSA-USA & Illinois Green Alliance. I also work on campus as a Peer Career Coach (PCC) with Career Services and Office of Campus Life as a Event CLA. 

I have interests in green buildings, building science, building energy modeling, and sustainability that fuel an aspiration to become a Building Performance Analyst working to make buildings green, high-performing, and healthy for both occupants and the surrounding environment.   

Amelie Yen

Hello! My name is Amelie Yen and I am the current Computer Science major representative for SEES. I am a first year Computer Science student with an interest in green technology and renewable energy. In addition to SEES, I am a part of the Camras Scholars Program. I enjoy reading, playing video games, and playing piano in my free time. I also like to longboard, rollerblade, and roller skate when weather allows. I look forward to my future with SEES and am excited to see how the organization grows throughout my time here at IIT!