About Us

 Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding student advanced placement learning experiences. If you have more general questions regarding the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa's School of Public Health, please direct those questions to the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health Office. 

Contacts are listed below. Mahalo!

Lisa Kehl MPH, MSW, LSW

Public Health Field Education Coordinator

Email: kehl@hawaii.edu

Field Education Office: phfield@hawaii.edu

808.956.5771 (office) | 808.753.0762 (cell)

Appointment Calendar: tinyurl.com/LKehlAppt

Sarah Haanen BAPH

Field Education Assistant Coordinator

Email: haanen@hawaii.edu

Field Education Office: phfield@hawaii.edu

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Office of Public Health

Office of Public Health Student Academic Services (808) 956-8267 | ophsas@hawaii.edu

Office of Public Health Studies (808) 956-8577 | pubhlth@hawaii.edu