Photos from the māla

Hoʻola ʻĀina Pili

Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili

Accessible Community Garden- 1 Year of Growth!!!!

Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili was designed to transform a "dead zone" space into a thriving garden full of herbs, foods, and medicine for the community. The design and implementation process began in early 2022. In the end of March 2022, the plotting of the garden beds and pathway began. 

Check out the photo galleries below to see the garden come to life! 

Progress photos of Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili

Photo of garden site: July 2023 

Priority areas include: Accessible entrance & pathways, raised & vertical garden design, shade, seating, & native plants for food, tea and medicinal uses! 

Image descriptions: 

Top left image: Site of the garden before March 2022

Center left image: The layout and beginning of the construction of the 12 central raised garden beds

Bottom left image: Garden site with the start of the raised garden bed structures, and the wheel-chair accessible pathways 

Mahalo to the design and action team for all of the support in creating this garden space!

Garden with central shade structure, seating, and plants growing out of the garden beds.  

1 Year of Growth!!!! View the photo galleries below to see the development from design to action at 

Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili, Accessible Community Garden

1 Year of Growth photo gallery on the right!

The photo below show what the garden looks like today, it is growing and changing daily. 

Scroll through the gallery on the right for before and after 

(click the left and right arrows to scroll through the gallery images!) 

Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili- Pilina 

Community and relationship-strengthening

Mahalo to all who participate in the māla for community days, lessons, walking around, watering the plants, enjoying the scenery, sitting in the shade, and continuing to support as the community garden grows! 

Please check out these photo highlights of our many friends who joined us at Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili. We look forward to see you again soon :) 

Liliko'i (Passionfruit) 

Shade tent & Central shade structure

Click on the gallery images to scroll left and right and view the shade and seating that was created for Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili

Kūlia Māla: The space between the 2 portables, on the left side of Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili is Kūlia māla. Mahalo to all the community members who have helped to weed and get rid of invasive species and plant Native Hawaiian plants! Some of the plants growing include māmaki, pohinahina, popolo berry, ti leaf, 'ilima, aloe and more... Come by to check out what is growing and walk through or take a walk on the pathways between the portables.  

What's Growing! 

One of the goals of Hoʻōla ʻĀina Pilipili is to grow food and medicinal herbs and plants for the community. Since we started our first sensory garden bin planted in May 2022, a lot has changed in the māla. Check out the photo gallery on the right to see the plants and varieties we grow. 

Sensory garden components include: